Unit 1
Introduction: Basic economic problem – problem of scarcity – economic system – Capitalist, Socialist and Command Economics – how these economic systems solve the basic economic problems. Positive versus normative analysis – Corporate decision making – public policy design.
Unit 2
Basics of Demand and Supply: Concept of demand – Elasticity of demand – measurement of elasticity
– point and arc methods – supply schedule and supply curve – Shifts in demand and supply – minimum floor price and fixing ceiling on prices – Understanding the effects of changing market conditions – market failure – Effects of Government intervention in correcting market failure.
Unit 3
Theory of Markets: Price and output determination under perfect competition and monopoly – discriminating monopoly – types of discrimination – degrees – oligopoly – price leadership, collusive and kinked demand – monopolistic competition – Theory of distribution – a general view -Marginal productivity theory.
Unit 4
Introductory Macro Economics: Circular flow of income – two sector – three sector – four sector models – National Income accounting – Basic N.I. concepts – methods of N.I. collection – problems – conceptual and statistical – National income accounting in India.
Unit 5
Important Macro Variables: Propensity to consume – MPL and APC – Concept of multiplier – Accelerator – leverage effect – business cycles – unemployment and types – voluntary and involuntary types – inflation and deflation. Fiscal policy as a measure to correct inflation -Automatic measures and deliberate measures – limitations of fiscal policy.
Course Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to provide a detailed understanding about the concepts of economic theories for use by the management in decision making process.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 |
Analyze the demand and supply conditions and assess the position of a company. |
CO2 |
Design competition strategies, including costing, pricing, product differentiation, and market
environment according to the natures of products and the structures of the markets. |
CO3 |
Make optimal business decisions by integrating the concepts of economics, mathematics and statistics. |
CO4 |
Analyze the interaction between consumers and firms, apply the concept of market equilibrium and calculate welfare measures such as consumer surplus and social welfare. |
CO5 |
Analyze and predict the effect of government measures (policies, taxes, etc.) on market
prices and quantities, social welfare, and economic efficiency. |