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Course Detail

Course Name Documenting Social Issues
Course Code 24OEL280
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to Social Issues Documentation

Understanding the importance of documenting social issues, Identifying key social issues in contemporary society, Ethical considerations in documenting social issues.

Unit 2

Research Methods for Social Issues Documentation

Conducting literature reviews on social issues, Data collection techniques: interviews, surveys, and observation, Introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis methods.

Unit 3

Visual Documentation of Social Issues

Photography techniques for social documentation, Videography and documentary filmmaking basics, Visual storytelling and its impact on social change.

Unit 4

Writing for Social Change

Narrative journalism and feature writing, Op-ed and advocacy writing, crafting compelling narratives to raise awareness and inspire action.

Unit 5

Multimedia Presentation and Distribution

Creating multimedia presentations using various platforms, Strategies for effective distribution and outreach, Leveraging social media and online platforms for maximum impact.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

The objective of the course on documenting social issues is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical understanding necessary to effectively research, document, and communicate about contemporary social issues through various mediums such as writing, photography, videography, and multimedia presentation.

Course Outcomes:

CO 1: Identify and analyse key social issues in contemporary society.

CO 2: Develop proficiency in a range of research methods for documenting social issues.

CO 3: Demonstrate competence in visual storytelling through photography and videography.

CO 4: Develop strong writing skills for advocating social change through various mediums.

CO 5: Create multimedia presentations to effectively communicate social issues to diverse audiences.

CO 6: Understand the ethical considerations involved in documenting and presenting social issues.

Text Books / References


  1. Sheila Curran Bernard – Documentary Storytelling: Creative Nonfiction on Screen – Focal Press
  2. John W. Creswell – Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches – SAGE
  3. Gillian Rose – Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials – SAGE
  4. Howard Becker – Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article – University of Chicago Press
  5. Seth Gitner – Multimedia Storytelling for Digital Communicators in a Multiplatform World – Routledge

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