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Course Detail

Course Name Data Mining Lab
Course Code 24CSC382
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Semester VI
Credits 1
Campus Coimbatore


  1. Working with objects using SQL for the following 
    1. Data definition language: create, alter, grant, revoke, drop, truncate. 
    2. Data manipulation language: select, insert, update, delete. 
    3. Transaction control statements: commit, rollback, savepoint. 
  2. Constraints – Queries: Simple selection, projection and selection with conditions.
  3. Functions: aggregate functions, group by, order by, date and conversion functions.
  4. Set operators, joins, sub query: simple, nested, correlated, existence test, membership test, DDL and sub
  5. queries and DML and sub queries.
  6. Working with other schema objects: view, sequence, index, synonym, cluster, lock, BLOB, CLOB, nested
  7. table, type.
  8. PL/SQL programs, cursors, functions, procedures, packages, triggers, exception handling.
  9. Front end tool: form creation, validation, trigger and report generation.
  10. Mini Project.

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