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Course Detail

Course Name Data Analysis using Excel Lab
Course Code 24CSA180
Program B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 2
Credits 2


Unit 1

Introduction to Spreadsheets

Introduction to spreadsheets, reading data, manipulating data. Basic spreadsheet operations and functions, Using Formulas, Formula Functions – Sum, Average, if, Count, max, min, Proper, Upper, Lower, Using AutoSum, Advance Formulas

Unit 2

Spreadsheet Functions to Organize Data

Moving between Spreadsheets, Selecting Multiple Spreadsheets, Inserting and Deleting Spread sheets Renaming Spreadsheets, Splitting the Screen, Freezing Panes, Copying and Pasting, Data between Spreadsheets, Hiding, protecting worksheets, Introduction to functions such as the IF, nested IF, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, Concatenate, Match, Count if, Text, Trim functions in Excel.

Unit 3

Introduction to Filtering, Pivot Tables, and Charts

Introduction to the Data filtering capabilities of Excel, the construction of Pivot Tables to organize data and introduction to charts in Excel. Creating Pivot Tables, manipulating a Pivot Table, Using the Pivot Table Toolbar, Changing Data Field, Properties, Displaying a Pivot Chart, Setting Pivot Table Options, Adding Subtotals to Pivot Tables.

Unit 4

Advanced Graphing and Charting

Constructing various Line, Bar and Pie charts. Using the Pivot chart features of Excel. Understanding and constructing Histograms and Scatter plots. Creating Charts, Different types of charts, Formatting Chart Objects, Changing the Chart Type, Showing and Hiding the Legend, Showing and Hiding the Data Table,

Unit 5

Making Macros, Recording Macros, Running Macros, Deleting Macro

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

The course covers spreadsheet fundamentals, analysis techniques, visualization, and task automation, preparing students for real-world applications.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to:

CO1: Gain proficiency in basic spreadsheet operations, functions, and formula usage.

CO2: Learn advanced spreadsheet functions for efficient data organization and analysis across multiple sheets.

CO3: Explore filtering capabilities and construct PivotTables for in-depth data analysis.

CO4: Develop skills in creating and customizing various types of charts to visually represent data effectively.

CO5: Understand macros and learn to create, record, and run them to automate repetitive tasks, increasing productivity.

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CO5 0 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0

Text Books / References


  1. Ash Narayan Sah – Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel – Excel publications.

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