Module 1
Module 1: Communication and assertiveness (2 hours)
- By the end of the course, the student should have a clear life goal, the confidence and strategy to move towards the same. The achievement of this outcome will largely depend on the motivation level and intellectual commitment of the student.
- Listening skill and Emphatic listening
- Assertiveness and self-esteem.
- How to deliver a self -introduction effectively?
Module 2
Module 2: Goal Setting (2 hours)
- The concept of goals and its importance, personal values and personal goals
- Goal setting theory, the process of goal setting, six areas of goal setting, how to set a SMART goal
Module 3
Module 3: Time Management (2 hours)
- The concept of time and why managing it is important
- Understanding the time killing habits
- What is procrastination and how to overcome it?
- Managing energy to effectively manage time
- Stephen R Covey’s Time Management Matrix
Module 4
Module 4: Stress Management (2 hours)
- The concept of stress, Types of stressors, what are your stressors
- The process of stress, different approaches to manage stress effectively, creating an action plan for stress management
Module 5
Module 5: Presentation skill (2 hours)
- The process of presentation, adult learning principles
- The do’s and don’ts of effective presentation.
- Effective use of audio -visual aids.
- Preparation and planning, practice, delivery and use of voice and body language
Module 6
Module 6: Resume Writing (2 hours)
- What is a resume and its importance in a job interview?
- The difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae
- The common mistakes while preparing a resume
- How to prepare a resume (written and video)?
Module 7
Module 7: Group Discussion (2 hours)
- What is a group discussion? What makes a group discussion effective
- Group discussion as a measure of interpersonal skill, performing in a virtual group discussion
Module 8
Module 8: Conflict Management (2 hours)
- The concept of conflict management, its impact and importance in personal and professional live
- Understanding the Thomas Kilmann conflict mode instrument
- Understanding Stephen R Covey’s process of synergy as an alternative for managing conflict
Module 9
Module 9: Group Problem Solving (2 hours)
- The process of group problem solving.
- The challenges involved in solving problems in a group.
- The knowledge and skills required to effectively solve problems in a group.
Module 10
Module 10: Self Awareness (2 hours)
- The art and science of self -analysis and self -development, understanding of FIRO – B and Big Five psychometric assessments.
- The concept of SWOT Analysis
- The concept of Johari Window
Module 11
Module 11: Personal Values (2 hours)
- Understanding of Values and its importance
- Terminal Values and Instrumental Values, Motivational properties of Values
- Values, decision making and attitude formation, components of attitude and behaviour.
Module 12
Module 12: Interview Skills (2 hours)
- What is the purpose of a job interview, types of job interviews?
- How to prepare for an interview, Do’s and Don’ts of an interview
Module 13
Module 13: Managerial Excellence (2 hours)
- What are managerial skills, its importance and how to improve them
- How to develop action plans for managerial excellence
Module 14
Module 14: Thinking Skills (2 hours)
- Analytical thinking, Critical thinking
- Design Thinking
- Stephen R Covey’s Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern
Course Description & Outcomes
Course Description
The course is intended to complement the current academic curriculum and fully prepare the job aspirants to be industry ready. This curriculum has been designed with inputs from the feedback of the different organizations on the performance of the MBA students during the placement processes. Corporate skill education aims at providing students with strategies to make healthy choices that contribute to a meaningful personal and professional life. Corporate skill training will enable the students to face the real-world challenges with less stress and more confidence. The course covers three modules, namely Presentation skills, Group discussion and interpersonal skills, Self -presentation and interview skills
Course Outcomes & Learning Levels
By the end of the course, the student should have a clear life goal, the confidence and strategy to move towards the same. The achievement of this outcome will largely depend on the motivation level and intellectual commitment of the students.
Evaluation Pattern
# |
Assessment Component |
Percentage of Marks |
1 |
Continuous Assessment * |
40 |
2 |
Mid –Term Examination |
20 |
3 |
End –Term Examination |
40 |
*Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Project / Term paper / Field visit report.
Recommended Texts & Reference Books
References Books and Resources
1. Communication and Listening Skills
- Andrew J Durbin, Applied Psychology: Individual and organization effectiveness. Pearson – Merril Prentice Hall, 2004
- Michael G Aamodt, An Applied Approach, 6th edition, 2010, Wadsworth Cengage Learning
2. Personal Values and attitudes its impact on behaviour
- Brief, P. (1998) Attitudes in an around organizations, housand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Organizational Behaviour: Foundations, Theories and Analyses, John B Mines, 2002 Oxford University
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, 2011, Daniel H Pink, Canongate Books
3. Self- perception and Self- Confidence
- Mark J Martinko, Attribution Theory: an organizational St. Lucie, 1995
- Attribution Theory: Social and Functional Extensions (Paperback) Miles Hewstone, Blackwell Publishers, an attributional theory of motivation and emotion, Bernard Weiner, Springer-Verlag, 1987
4. Time Management
- The habits of highly effective people, Stephen Covey, Free press Revised edition 2004
- The 25 Best Time Management Tools and Techniques: How to Get More Done Without Driving Yourself Crazy, Kenneth H Blanchard, 2005, Peak Performance Press, First edition
- The One Minute Manager Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, Publisher: William Morrow 1984
5. Stress Management
- Michael G Aamodt, An Applied Approach, 6th edition, 2010, Wadsworth Cengage Learning Stress Management for Life, Michael Olpin, Margie Hesson, Cengage Learning, 2009
- Organizational Behaviour, Stephen P Robbins, Timothy A Judge, Seema Sanghi, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009
6. Leadership Development
- Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations, Bruce J Avolio,Sage 1999
- High Flyers: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders Morgan W. McCall Jr. Harvard Business Press; First edition (January 15, 1998)
- How to Grow Leaders: The Seven Key Principles of Effective Development (The John Adair Leade) John Adair Kogan Page; Re issue edition (March 1, 2009)