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Course Detail

Course Name Corporate Communication
Course Code 24OEL635
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester Elective
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Structure and characteristics of an organization; Factors influencing communication
– Flow of communication in an organization – Bottom step, top down vertical and horizontal barriers to communication; Organization of a PR department and counselling firms.

Unit 2

Role of PR in an organization; PR processes – image building – PR and various publics – internal & external; PR and crisis management- national community, labour unrest, and accidents.

Unit 3

PR tools – House journals – kinds and production of house journals; Open house; New media; Gossip, rumour mongering and criticism.

Unit 4

Media Relations – press conference, press releases, press visit, interviews, preparations and distributions of publicity materials to media.

Unit 5

PR for Govt. PR for Non Govt. organizations, PR for armed forces, PR for entertainment and sports, PR for tourism, PR for philanthropic organizations, PR for celebrities. Event management, Ethics in PR.

Course Objective and Outcomes

Course Outcomes

CO1 Understand the concept of Supply Chain Management and Logistics
CO2 Identify different elements of Supply Chain Management
CO3 Understandtheinventorymanagementtechniquesandfunctionsofwarehousing
CO4 Knowledge on different modes of transport
CO5 Identify the forms and process of material handling and packing

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