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Course Detail

Course Name Consumer Behaviour
Course Code 24BUS339
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 3
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru



Unit 1

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Definition, Nature, Scope, Reasons to study consumer behaviour, Consumer Behaviour’s Applications in Marketing, Evolution of Consumer Behaviour as a Field of Study, The Interdisciplinary Nature of Consumer Behaviour

Unit 2

Factors affecting Consumer Behaviour: Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour, External Influences, Culture, Sub Culture, Social Class, Reference Groups, Family, Internal Influences, Needs & Motivations, Perception, Personality, Lifestyle, Values, Learning, Memory, Beliefs and Attitudes.

Unit 3

Consumer Decision Making Process: Types of consumer decisions, Consumer Decision Making Process, Levels of Consumer Decision Making, Four Views of Consumer Decision Making, Types of Decision Process, Buying pattern in the new digital era.

Unit 4

Models of Consumer Behaviour, The Economic Model, Learning Model, Psychoanalytic Model, The Sociological Model, The Howard Sheth Model of Buying Behaviour, The Nicosia Model, The Engel- Kollat-Blackwell Model.

Unit 5

Marketing Communications: Decision Making Models, Consumer Rights, Marketing Communication Process, Types of Communication systems – Interpersonal, Impersonal, Persuasive Communication, Consumer Decision Making Models – Black Box Model – Economic model, Howard & Sheth model, Consumer Protection Act 1986, rights of consumers.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course objective:

To develop an understanding on the underlying concepts and issues in Consumer behaviour in marketing.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able:

CO1: To explain the concept of Consumer Behaviour and describe the Consumer research process in detail.

CO2: To evaluate the factors affecting consumer behaviour in detail.

CO3: To analyse the consumer decision process.

CO4: To assess the impact of consumer’s motivation, and personality on buying behaviour.

CO5: To impart the basic knowledge on consumer protection rights.

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Text Books / References


  1. Satish K Batra, H.H Kazmi – Consumer Behaviour – Excel Books
  2. S Ramesh Kumar – Consumer Behaviour: The Indian Context – Pearson


  1. Hawkins, Best and Coney – Consumer Behaviour – McGraw Hill
  2. John A Howard – Consumer Behaviour in Marketing Strategy – Prentice Hall of India
  3. Schiffman L G and Kanuk L L – Consumer Behaviour – Prentice Hall
  4. Anita Ghatak – Consumer Behaviour in India – D K Agencies (P) Ltd
  5. Sarkar A – Problems of Consumer Behaviour in India – Discovery Publishing House

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