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Course Detail

Course Name Constitution and Media Ethics
Course Code 24OEL264
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to the Indian Constitution and Fundamental Rights

Overview of the Indian Constitution: historical background, drafting process, and salient features, Fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, including freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, and right to information, Fundamental duties of Indian citizens and their relevance to media ethics.

Unit 2

Ethics in Journalism and Reporting in India

Journalistic ethics and codes of conduct in the Indian context. Objectivity, bias, and fairness in reporting within the Indian media landscape. The role of media in shaping public opinion and democratic discourse in India.

Unit 3

Ethics in Digital Media and Social Networking in India

Ethical considerations in online journalism and social media platforms in India. Privacy, anonymity, and surveillance issues in the Indian digital space. Challenges of combating fake news, misinformation, and digital manipulation in India.

Unit 4

Advertising, PR, and Corporate Communication Ethics in India

Ethics in advertising and marketing communications in the Indian market. Public relations ethics and professional responsibility in India. Corporate social responsibility and ethical communication practices in Indian businesses.

Unit 5

Media Regulation and Legal Issues in India: Media laws and regulations governing print, broadcast, and digital media in India. Ethical dilemmas in media coverage of legal proceedings in India. Media censorship, prior restraint, and freedom of information issues in India. Unit 6: Ethical Decision Making and Application in the Indian Media Context. Case studies and ethical dilemmas in media production and consumption in India.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

This course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts of media ethics within the framework of the Indian Constitution. Students will explore the intersection of media practices with legal and ethical considerations, focusing on foundational principles of freedom of speech, press freedom, and the responsibilities of media professionals as enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

Through case studies and discussions, students will develop critical thinking skills to analyze ethical dilemmas in media production and consumption within the Indian context.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Recall and summarize key constitutional principles relevant to media ethics, including fundamental rights and duties outlined in the Indian Constitution.

CO2: Explain the ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by media professionals in India in the context of constitutional rights.

CO3: Apply ethical theories and frameworks to analyze real-world media scenarios and dilemmas within the Indian legal and cultural landscape.

CO4: Evaluate the ethical implications of media content and practices using critical reasoning and judgment, with consideration for Indian constitutional principles.

CO5: Design ethical guidelines and strategies for media production and consumption informed by Indian constitutional principles and ethical theories.

CO6: Create and defend reasoned arguments regarding media ethics issues within the Indian context, demonstrating higher-order thinking skills in analysis and synthesis.

Text Books / References

Suggested References


  1. Augustine – Media Ethics: Truth, Fairness and Objectivity
  2. S. Gupta – Media Ethics: Cases and Controversies
  3. K. Singh – Ethics in Journalism
  4. N. Shukla – Indian Constitution: Text, Context and Interpretation
  5. Neelamalar – Media Ethics: A Global Approach – PHI
  6. Ganga Jhala – Mass Communication Ethics and Indian Philosophy
  7. S. Gulshan – Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India
  8. Kanchan Malik – Journalism Ethics in Indian Context

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