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Course Detail

Course Name Concepts in System Security
Course Code 24CY613
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Program- processes- Binaries-Libraries- Concurrency control in OS and databases- Statistical inferencing in databases, Private information retrieval viewed as a database access problem. Privacy in data publishing, Virtual Private Databases- Access control in OS and databases- Access control Models – DAC- MAC- RBAC- SELinux – Sandboxing- SetUID Programs, Environmental variable based Attacks – Shellshock attack- Process memory organization- Stack management- Stack overflow – Runtime protection strategies, Return-to-libc, ROP, Format string vulnerabilities – File I/O Race conditions – TOCTOU – Dirty COW Attack – Virtualization techniques for security – Malware and its mitigation strategies- viruses, worms and Trojans- Rootkits- Ransomwares- Polymorphic malware- Fileless malware- AI-based malware- Packers – Trusted computing- TEE – SIEM- Auditing in Databases and OS- Zero Trust Security. 

Objectives and Outcomes


Basic knowledge on concurrency and access control. Practical experience in installation, monitoring, and troubleshooting of databases ( MySql, Oracle ) and operating systems ( Windows and Linux


Course Outcome

Course Outcome  

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level  

CO 1  

Familiarity with terminology of database, software and system security 


CO 2  

Exploring the access control security models and policies in database and operating systems 


CO 3  

Familiarize the challenges, attacks and defences in database Systems 


CO 4  

Exploring the basic functionalities of different types of malwares 


CO 5  

Familiarize the challenges, attacks and defences in operating systems 



CO-PO Mapping

CO-PO Mapping  


PO 1 

PO 2 

PO 3 

PO 4 

PO 5 

PO 6 

PO 7 

PO 8 

PO 9 

PO 10 




CO 1 



CO 2 



CO 3 



CO 4 



CO 5 



Text Books / References

  1. Wenliang Du, Computer Security – A hands-on Approach , First Edition, Createspace Independent Pub, 2017 
  2. M. Gertz and S. Jajodia, Handbook of Database Security-Applications and Trends , Springer, 2008. 
  3. T. Jaeger, Operating System Security , Vol. 1 of Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy and Trust, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2008. 
  4. W. Mauerer, Professional Linux Kernel Architecture , John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2008. 
  5. R Anderson, Security engineering , John Wiley & Sons, 2008. 
  6. Matt Bishop, Computer security: Art and Science , Vol. 2, Addison-Wesley, 2012. 

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