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Course Detail

Course Name Computing using R (Lab 1)
Course Code 24CSA285
Program 5-Year Integrated MSc/ BSc (Hons) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science / Quantum Information Science
Semester III
Credits 4
Campus Amritapuri

Course outcomes

Course outcomes:
CO1:Install and use R for simple programming tasks.
CO 2. Extend the functionality of R by using add-on packages
CO 3. Extract data from files and other sources and perform various data manipulation tasks on them. CO 4. Code statistical functions in R.
CO 5. Use R Graphics and Tables to visualize results of various statistical operations on data . CO6. Apply the knowledge of R gained to data Analytics for real life applications.

List of Practical

  • Graphical representation of data.
  • Problems based on measures of central tendency.
  • Problems based on measures of dispersion.
  • Problems based on combined mean and variance and coefficient of variation
  • Problems based on moments, skewness and kurtosis
  • Fitting of binomial distributions for n and p = q = ½.
  • Fitting of binomial distributions for given n and p.
  • Fitting of binomial distributions after computing mean and variance.
  • Fitting of Poisson distributions for given value of the parameter.
  • Fitting of Poisson distributions after computing mean.
  • Fitting of negative binomial.
  • Fitting of suitable distribution.
  • Application problems based on binomial distribution.
  • Application problems based on Poisson distribution.
  • Application problems based on negative binomial distribution.
  • Problems based on area property of normal distribution
  • To find the ordinate for a given area for normal distribution.
  • Application based problems using normal distribution.
  • Fitting of normal distribution when parameters are given
  • Fitting of normal distribution when parameters are not given
  • Fitting of polynomials, exponential curves.
  • Karl Pearson correlation coefficient.
  • Correlation coefficient for a bivariate frequency distribution.
  • Lines of regression, angle between lines and estimated values of variables

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