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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Systems Essentials
Course Code 19CSE101
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Semester 1
Year Taught 2019



Introduction to Computers, Computer Science, Computer Systems. Essential components of computer systems: Operating Systems Fundamentals, Principles of Database Systems, Basic concepts in Computer Networks. Installing a Linux virtual machine. Using package manager to install/update software. Understanding disk partitions and obtaining partition information using system tools. Obtaining essential system resource utilization and information using system tools and proc file system: disk utilization, memory utilization, process information, CPU utilization. Pipes and redirection. Searching the file system using find and grep with simple regular expressions. Basic process control using signals: pausing and resuming process from a Linux terminal, terminating a process. Adding/removing from search path using PATH variable. Compressing/uncompressing using tar/gzip and zip tools. Using man pages to understand tool documentation.


Querying a database using simple SQL commands. Writing simple SQL queries. Creating and editing tables. Creating indexes to improve performance. Exporting and importing data from/to database tables to/from Excel.


Obtaining essential system network information using system tools: network interfaces and their addresses, routing table, active processes using network communication. Basic network debugging: using traceroute to discover route to a remote computer, ping to check network connectivity, nslookup for DNS lookup. Understanding basic HTTP client and server using netcat. Using ssh and sftp.

Preamble and Outcomes


The course gives students an overview of computer science: A foundation from which they can appreciate the relevance and interrelationships of further courses in the field. Computer Networks deals with components and principles of networks and its protocols. Operating System acts as a platform of information exchange between a computer’s hardware and the applications running on it. Database Management Systems have become a part of all computer based systems automating real word applications to handle data storage. This course provides an insight on the general structures of operating systems, database management systems and computer networks.

Course Outcomes

The student at the end of the course will

CO Statement Level
CO1 Understand the basic components of computer systems and its functionality. L2
CO2 Demonstrate the functions of operating system and its role as a resource manager to execute any application L2
CO3 Understand the need for database storage and learn to retrieve using SQL. L2
CO4 Implement the connection between operating systems, computer networks and database management through a case study L3

CO – PO Mapping

Cos PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1  3 1 2 2 1
CO2 3 2 2 2 1
CO3 3 2 2 2 1
CO4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

Textbooks / References

Text Book

  • Brookshear JG. Computer science: an overview. Eleventh Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 2011.

Reference Book(s)

  • Silberschatz A, Gagne G, Galvin PB. Operating system concepts. Ninth Edition, Wiley; 2012.
  • Cobbaut P. Linux Fundamentals. Samurai Media Limited; 2016.
  • Silberschatz A, Korth HF, Sudarshan S. Database system concepts. Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill;2010.
  • Kurose JF, Ross KW. Computer networking: a top-down approach. Sixth Edition, Pearson;2013.

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