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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
Course Code 15CSE381
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Semester Five
Year Taught 2019


Familiarization with a MIPS Simulator SPIM (PCSPIM – a PC version of SPIM will be used) – MIPS assembly program that inputs two integers from the user and displays their sum – MIPS assembly program that asks user to enter an integer n and displays nth Fibonacci number – Test your programs using SPIM simulator – MIPS assembly program that asks user to enter an integer n and displays its factorial. Implementation of pipeline concepts and exploring its operations – Implementation of vector operations in MIPS Assembly and exploring Loop Unrolling. Design of single instruction CPU Design of a simple Memory Unit CPU using simulator. Design of ALU with at-least 8 operations. Design of simple memory with m number of address lines and n number of data lines. Design of Associative / Direct Mapped Cache memory design.

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