- Gain the knowledge of the basic computer network technology.
- Gain the knowledge of the functions of each layer in the OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
- Obtain the skills of subnetting and routing mechanisms.
- Familiarity with the essential protocols of computer networks, and how they can be applied in
network design and implementation.
Network hardware, Network software, OSI, TCP/IP Reference models, Example Networks: ARPANET, Internet. Physical Layer: Guided Transmission media: twisted pairs, coaxial cable, fiber optics, Wireless transmission.
Data link layer: Design issues, framing, Error detection and correction. Elementary data link protocols: simplex protocol, A simplex stop and wait protocol for an error-free channel, A simplex stop and wait protocol for noisy channel.
Sliding Window protocols: A one-bit sliding window protocol, A protocol using Go-Back-N, A protocol using Selective Repeat, Example data link protocols. Medium Access sub layer: The channel allocation problem, Multiple access protocols: ALOHA,
Carrier sense multiple access protocols, collision free protocols. Wireless LANs, Data link layer
Network Layer: Design issues, Routing algorithms: shortest path routing, Flooding, Hierarchical routing, Broadcast, Multicast, distance vector routing, Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of Service, Internetworking, The Network layer in the internet.
Transport Layer: Transport Services, Elements of Transport protocols, Connection management, TCP and UDP protocols.
Application Layer –Domain name system, SNMP, Electronic Mail; the World WEB, HTTP, Streaming audio and video.