Introduction of Design Methodologies and Graph Theory: The VLSI Design Problems- Design Methods –Design Cycle – Physical Design Cycle-Design Styles.
Course Name | Computer Aided Design of VLSI Circuits |
Course Code | 24MAT476 |
Program | 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science |
Semester | Elective |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
Introduction of Design Methodologies and Graph Theory: The VLSI Design Problems- Design Methods –Design Cycle – Physical Design Cycle-Design Styles.
Algorithmic and System Design-Structural and Logic Design-Layout Design. Graph terminologies – Data structures for the representation of Graphs – Algorithms: DFS-BFS- Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm – Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees. Combinatorial Optimization Problems – Complexity Class-P-NP Completeness and NPHardness problems.
Placement, Partitioning and Floor Planning: Types of Placement Problems – Placement Algorithms – K-L Partitioning Algorithm. Optimization Problems in Floor planning – Shape Function and Floor plan Sizing
Routing and Compaction: Types of Routing Problems – Area Routing – Channel Routing – Global Routings.
1D and 2D Compaction. Gete level – Switch level Modeling and Simulations.
Course Outcomes
CO-1: Understand the basic concepts of VLSI design problems.
CO-2: Understand various definitions of graphs and apply to some algorithms.
CO-3: Understand and apply the placement and partitioning algorithms.
CO-4: Understand and apply the routing algorithms.
CO-5: Understand the concepts of 1D and 2D compactions.
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