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Course Detail

Course Name Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Course Code MPL104T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1
UNIT I- Cell biology 10 hours
  1. Macromolecules and macromolecular assemblies of the cell (2hrs)
  2. Fundamentals of nucleic acid biochemistry (1hr)
  3. Genome Gene expression and its regulation (2hrs)
  4. Cell cycles and its regulation (2hrs).
  5. Cell death– events, regulators, intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis (2hrs).
  6. Necrosis and autophagy (1hr).
Unit 2
UNIT II- 10 hours

Molecular Pharmacology of Enzymes, Channels and Receptors

  1. Drug Modulation of Enzyme Function (2hrs)
  2. Classification of receptor family and molecular structure (2hrs)
  3. Detailed study of following intracellular signaling pathways (2hrs):

Cyclic AMP signaling pathway, NO and cGMP pathway, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling pathway

  1. Signaling mechanism through Ligand-gated ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, tyrosine kinase receptors and nuclear receptors (2hrs).
  2. Receptor Internalization & Alternative Signaling Pathways (2hrs)
Unit 3
UNIT III- Principles and applications of genomic and proteomic tools 10 hours
  1. Detection of nucleic acids and proteins: Gel Electrophoresis and ELISA, micro array technique and western blotting (2hrs)
  2. Polymerase chain reaction (Reverse transcription and real time) (2hrs)
  3. Gene sequencing and gene editing (2hrs)
  4. Basic principles of recombinant DNA Technology-Restriction enzymes, various types of vectors (2hrs).
  5. Gene therapy- Various types of gene transfer techniques, (2hrs)
Unit 4
UNIT IV- Genomic Regulation of Drug Actions 9 hours
  1. Types of genetic variation in the human genome (1hr)
  2. Genetic variation and its role in health/ pharmacology (2hrs)
  3. Polymorphisms affecting drug metabolism (2hrs)
  4. Genetic variation in drug transporters (1hr)
  5. Genetic variation in G protein-coupled receptors (2hrs)
  6. Gene mapping and cloning of disease genes (2hrs).
Unit 5
UNIT V-Cell culture techniques 6 hours
  1. Basic equipment used in cell culture lab (1hr).
  2. Cell culture media and various types of cell culture (1hr)
  3. General procedure for cell cultures; isolation of cells, subculture, cryopreservation, characterization of cells and their application (2hr).
  4. Principles and applications of cell viability assays (2hr)
  5. Principles and applications of flow cytometry (2hr)
  6. Organoid culture protocols and Methods (2hr)


Cell and Molecular Pharmacology is a foundational discipline that delves deep into the intricacies of cellular structures and functions, offering invaluable insights into how drugs interact with these components. By unraveling the complex interplay between drugs and cellular machinery, this field sheds light on the mechanisms underlying pharmacological actions. Through comprehensive studies, researchers gain a profound understanding of how drugs modulate cellular processes, from signaling cascades to gene expression, ultimately influencing physiological responses. This knowledge serves as a cornerstone for the development of innovative therapeutics tailored to target specific cellular pathways implicated in various diseases.

Cell and Molecular Pharmacology emerges as a vital player, offering promising avenues for advancing precision medicine and therapeutic interventions. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as genomics and proteomics, researchers in this field decipher the molecular underpinnings of diseases, paving the way for the design of targeted therapies. By elucidating intricate signaling networks and molecular targets, cell and molecular pharmacologists empower the development of novel drug candidates with enhanced efficacy and safety profiles. Moreover, their contributions extend beyond basic research, as they actively participate in translational efforts to bridge the gap between bench and bedside, fostering the realization of personalized treatment strategies and improved patient outcomes.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students shall be able to;


K1 : Explain the molecular components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and organelles

K2 : Discuss the fundamental principles of cell biology and molecular biology and their relevance to pharmacology.

K3 : Classify various molecular targets of drugs & their signaling pathways.

K4 : Distinguish various mechanisms in genetic variations and drug polymorphisms

K5 : Prioritize the role of molecular pharmacology in novel therapeutic approaches

K6 : Relate the molecular methods and techniques contributing drug discovery for genetic disorders


S1 : Develop proficiency in essential laboratory techniques and laboratory safety protocols

S2 : Examine the rationale behind the use of clinically relevant drugs and their molecular targets S3 : Apply appropriate molecular diagnostic methods for assessing different clinical conditions S4 : Assess the role of molecular pharmacology role in drug discovery through case studies and

research articles

S5 : Design and perform cell-based assays for drug evaluation.

S6 : Compile laboratory findings with personalized medicine approaches.


A1 : Foster meticulousness and precision in laboratory practices

A2 : Develop a strong commitment to maintaining a safe laboratory environment

A3 : Emphasizing the importance of teamwork and effective communication skills

A4 : Cultivate respect for established laboratory protocols and standard operating procedures

A5 : Instill a sense of professionalism and integrity in all laboratory activities.

A6 : Embrace the newer advancements in the healthcare

Text Books / References


  1. Cooper GM. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 8th Ed. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2018
  2. Alberts, , Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. Molecular biology of the cell. 6th Ed. New York: Garland Science: 2015
  3. Licinio and M -L. Wong, Pharmacogenomics: The Search for Individualized Therapies, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany; 2002
  4. Ralph B and Edward D. Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Ed. Elsevier/Academic Press: London:2010
  5. John Dickenson, Fiona Freeman, Chris Lloyd Mills, Christian Thode, Shiva Molecular Pharmacology: From DNA to Drug Discovery. John Wiley & Sons; 2013.
  6. Buckingham L. Molecular diagnostics: fundamentals, methods and clinical applications. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; c2012
  7. Cheryl D. Helgason and Cindy L. Miller, Basic Cell Culture Protocols, 4th Ed, Springer New York: London;2013
  8. John Davis, Basic Cell Culture: Practical Approach 2nd Oxford University Press: New York: 2002
  1. Journal of Molecular Biology
  2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Part B- Biological Sciences
  3. Cellular Signaling
  4. Frontiers in Pharmacology



  1. Principle and working of Next-generation sequencing
  2. Polymorphisms of Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes Transporters (Discuss with a recent clinical study)
  3. Polymorphisms of Drug – transporters (Discuss with a recent clinical study)
  4. Gene sequencing of Insulin
  5. Designing cell line models for various diseases
  6. Various cytotoxic assays using cell 253
  1. Proteomics and Neurodegenerative Disorders
  2. Probe and primer designing in PCR
  3. Gene therapy for cancer (Recent clinical study/research)
  4. Alternative Approaches to the Treatment of a Genetic Disease

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