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Course Detail

Course Name Tamil I
Course Code 23TAM230
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit 1

The history ofTamilliterature: N???upu?ap p??alka?, kataikka?, pa?amo?ika? – ci?ukataika? t???amum va?arcciyum, ci??ilakkiya?ka?: Kali?kattup para?i (p?rp??iyatu) – mukk??a? pa??u 35.

K?ppiya?ka?: Cilappatik?ram – ma?im?kalai na?aiyiyal ?yvu ma??um aimperum – aiñci?u? k?ppiya?ka? to?arp??a ceytika?.

Unit 2

ti?ai ilakkiyamum n?tiyilakkiyamum – pati?e?k??kka?akku n?lka? to?arp??a pi?a ceytika? – tirukku?a? (a?pu, pa?pu, kalvi, o?ukkam, na?pu, v?ymai, k??vi, ceyna??i, periy?raittu?akk??al, vi?ippu?arvu p???a atik?rattil u??a ceytika?.

A?an?lka?: Ulakan?ti (1-5) – ?l?ti (1,3,6). – Cittarka?: Ka?uve?i cittar p??alka? (??antak ka?ippu –1, 4, 6, 7,

  • , ma??um akapp?y cittar p??alka? (1-5).
Unit 3

tami? ilakka?am: V?kkiya vakaika? – ta?vi?ai pi?avi?ai – n?rkk???u aya?k???u

Unit 4

tami?aka a?iñarka?i? tami? to??um camut?ya to??um: P?ratiy?r, p?ratit?ca?, pa??ukk???ai kaly??acuntaram, curat?, cuj?t?, ci?pi, m?tt?, aptul rakum??, na.Piccaim?rtti, akila?, kalki, j?.Y?.P?p, v?ram?mu?ivar, a???, paritim?? kalaiñar, ma?aimalaiya?ika?.

Unit 5

tami? mo?i ?yvil ka?i?i paya?p??u. – Karuttu parim???am – vi?ampara mo?iyamaippu – p?ccu – n??akam pa?aippu – ci?ukatai, katai, puti?am pa?aippu.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

  • To introduce the students to different literature- Sangam literature, Epics, Bhakthi literatureandmodern
  • To improve their ability tocommunicate with creative concepts, and also to introduce them to the usefulness of basicgrammaticalcomponents in


Course Outcomes


CO 1: To understand the Sangam literature CO 2: To understand the creative literature

CO 3: To understand the literary work on religious scriptures CO 4: To improve the communication and memory skills

CO 5: To understand the basic grammar components of Tamil language and their usage and applications. CO 6: Understand creative writing aspects and apply them.


CO-PO Mapping





















PO10          PO11       PO12

CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
CO5 2 2
CO6 2 2

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern


Assessment Internal End Semester
Periodical 1 (P1) 15
Periodical 2 (P2) 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50


*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

Text Books / References


  1. http:/Www.tamilvu.trg/libirary/libindex.htm.
  2. http:/Www.tunathamizh.tom/2013/07/blog0post_24.html
  3. Varatar?ca? “tami? ilakkiya varal??u” c?hitya aka?emi pap?ik??a?s, 2012
  4. n?.V??am?malai “pa?a?kataika?um, pa?amo?ika?um” niy? ceñcuri puttaka ve?iy???akam, 1980,2008
  1. n?.V??am?malai, “tami?ar n???upp??alka?” niy? ceñcuri puttaka ve?iy???akam 1964,2006
  2. po? ma?im??a? “a??? tami? ilakka?am “a??? pap?i?i? kur?p, vañciy?r,
  3. tiruva?antapuram,

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