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Course Detail

Course Name Real Time Operating Systems for Cyber- Physical Systems
Course Code 23CSE361
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai



Electives in Cyber Physical Systems

Unit I

Definition of real-time systems and their characteristics in the context of cyber-physical systems. Comparison between general-purpose operating systems and RTOS. Classification of RTOS based on scheduling algorithm and kernel architecture. Design considerations for RTOS in CPS. Case studies of RTOS in CPS, including examples from robotics, autonomous vehicles, and industrial control systems.

Unit II

Overview of task scheduling and resource management in RTOS for CPS. Priority-based scheduling algorithms: Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS), Earliest Deadline First (EDF), and others for CPS. Task synchronization and communication mechanisms in RTOS for CPS. Memory management and memory protection in RTOS for CPS. Real-time file systems and device drivers.

Unit III

Metrics for performance evaluation of RTOS: response time, deadline miss ratio, throughput, and others.

Performance analysis techniques for RTOS. Case studies of performance analysis and evaluation of RTOS in cyber-physical systems. Real-time debugging and testing of RTOS. Challenges and open research issues in RTOS.

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-Requisite(s): 23CSEXXX Operating Systems, 23CSEXXX Embedded Systems

Course Objectives

  • Understand the characteristics of real-time systems in the context of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and differentiate between general-purpose operating systems and real-time operating systems (RTOS) in CPS.
  • Explore the design considerations, scheduling algorithms, task synchronization, communication mechanisms, memory management, and protection in RTOS for CPS, as well as real-time file systems and device drivers.
  • Develop skills in performance evaluation, analysis, and testing of RTOS in CPS, including measuring key performance metrics, studying performance analysis techniques, and understanding real-time debugging and testing methods. Gain awareness of challenges and open research issues in the field of RTOS for CPS.

Course Outcomes

CO1: To understand the concepts of real-time operating systems and their applications in Cyber Physical Systems.

CO2: To be able to design, develop and analyze real-time operating systems for Cyber Physical Systems.

CO3: To understand the concepts of task scheduling, resource management, and inter-process communication in

real-time operating systems.

CO4: To be able to evaluate and analyze the performance of real-time operating systems for Cyber Physical


CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 3 0 1 1 2 2
CO2 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO4 3 3 1 1 1 2 2

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 70:30

Assessment Internal End Semester
Midterm 20
Continuous Assessment (*CA) 50
**End Semester 30 (50 Marks; 2 hours exam)

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports

**End Semester can be theory examination/ lab-based examination/ project presentation

Text Books / References


K.C. Wang, “Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems”, Springer, 2017.


Hermann Kopetz, “Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications”, Springer, 2022.

Jean J Labrosse, “uC/OS-III: The Real-Time Kernel”, Micrium Press, 2010.

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