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Course Detail

Course Name Project Management
Course Code 23MNG334
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit 1

Overview of Project Management: Verities of project, Project Features, Project Life Cycle – S-Curve, J-C Project Selection: Project Identification and Screening – New ideas, Vision, Long-term objectives, SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats).

Project Appraisal – Market Appraisal, Technical Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Ecological Appraisal, and Financial Appraisal – Payback, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Returns (IRR).

Project Selection – Decision Matrix, Technique for Order Preference using Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW).

Unit 2

Project Presentation: WBS, Project Network – Activity on Arrow (A-O-A), Activity on Node (A-O-N). Project Scheduling: Gant Chart, Critical Path Method (CPM), Project Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT).(6hrs)

Linear time cost trade-offs in project – Direct cost, indirect cost, Project crashing Resource Consideration – Profiling, Allocation, Levelling.

Introduction to project management software: Primavera/ Microsoft project

Unit 3

Project Execution: Monitoring control cycle, Earned Value Analysis (EVA), Project Control – Physical control, Human control, financial control.

Organizational and Behavioral Issues: Organizational Structure, Selection-Project Manager, Leadership Motivation, Communication, Risk Management.

Project Termination: Extinction, Addition, Integration, Starvation.


Text Books / References


  1. Jack Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel, Jr. – ‘Project Management- A Managerial Approach’ Eighth Edition – John Wiley & Sons Inc – 2012.
  2. Arun Kanda ‘Project Management-A Life Cycle Approach’ PHI Learning Private Limited – 2011


  1. ‘A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge’ PMBOK GUIDE, Sixth edition, Project management Institute – 2017
  2. Ted Klastrorin ‘Project Management, Tools, and Trade-Offs’ – John Wiley – 2011

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  • To discuss the project life cycle and build a successful project from pre-implementation to
  • To introduce different project management tools and techniques

Course Outcomes

CO1:  Appraise the selection and initiation of individual projects and its portfolios in an enterprise.

CO2: Analyze the project planning activities that will predict project costs, time schedule, and quality.

CO3: Develop processes for successful resource allocation, communication, and risk management.

CO4: Evaluate effective project execution and control techniques that results in successful project completion

CO/PO Mapping

CO1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 2
CO2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3
CO3 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3
CO4 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal End Semester
Periodical 1 15
Periodical 2 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignments, Projects, and Reports

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