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Course Detail

Course Name Proficiency in German Language (Lower)
Course Code 23GER232
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


To have an elementary exposure to German language; specifically

  1. to have some ability to understand simple spoken German, and to be able to speak it so as to be able to carry on life in Germany without much difficulty (to be able to do shopping, );
  2. to be able to understand simple texts, and simple forms of written communication;
  3. to have a basic knowledge of German grammar;
  4. to acquire a basic vocabulary of 500 words;
  5. to be able to translate simple letters with the use of a dictionary; and
  6. to have some familiarity with the German life and

(This will not be covered as part of the regular classroom teaching; this is to be acquired by self-study.) Some useful websites will be given.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern


Assessment Internal End Semester
Periodical 1 (P1) 15
Periodical 2 (P2) 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50


*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

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