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Course Detail

Course Name Operations Research
Course Code 23MNG336
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit 1

Linear Programming: Formulations – graphical solutions – Simplex Method – Duality, Dual simplex method. Transportation model: Assignment model – Travelling Salesman Problem.

Unit 2

Decision Theory: Decision Trees. Game theory – 2 person zero sum; mixed strategies; 2 x n and m x 2 games. Network Models- Project Networks- CPM / PERT- Project Scheduling – crashing networks and cost considerations- Resource leveling and smoothing – shortest route problem, minimal spanning tree problem, maximal flow problem.

Unit 3

Sequencing model – 2 machines ‘n’ jobs, ‘m’ machines ‘n’ jobs – n jobs 2 machines.

Inventory models: deterministic & probabilistic models. Quantity discounts. Selective Inventory Management Queuing models: Poisson arrival and exponential service times. Single server, multi-server. Queues -infinite and finite capacity queues.

Simulation Monte Carlo simulation: simple problems

Lab session: Practicing case problems with excel solver/MatLab/LINGO package

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

Familiarizing the students with quantitative tools and techniques, which are frequently applied in operational decisions

Course Outcomes

CO1:   Formulate operations research models to optimize resources.

CO2:        Solve transportation and assignment problems using suitable techniques.

CO3:    Apply appropriate technique to analyze a project with an objective to optimize resources.

CO4:     Solve operational problems using decision theory approaches.

CO5:  Select suitable inventory model for effective utilisation of resources.

CO6:                Solve Operations Research problems using software package

CO/PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO6 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal End Semester
Periodical 1 10
Periodical 2 10
*Continuous Assessment (Theory) (CAT) 15
*Continuous Assessment(Lab) (CAL) 30
End Semester 35

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignments, Projects, and Reports

Text Books / References


Hillier, F .S. and Lieberman, G .J, ‘Operations Research’, 9e, McGraw Hill, 2010


  1. Taha,H.A., ‘Operations Research: an Introduction’, 8e, Prentice HalI, New Delhi,
  2. Ravindran, , Phillips, D.J., and Solberg, J.J., ‘Operations Research- Principles and Practice’, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  3. Wagner, M., ‘Principles of Operations Research’, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1998.
  4. Hardley, ,‘Linear Programming’, Narosa Book Distributors Private Ltd 2002.

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