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Course Detail

Course Name LIVE-IN-LABS II ***
Course Code 23LIV490*
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Semester 6
Credits [3]
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit I


Introduction to co-design. Benefits of co-design. Co-design process. Co-design tools.


Unit II

Project Management

Introduction to Project Management. Project Triple Constraints. Difference between project and operation. Phases of Project Management. Project Planning.

Unit III

Human Centered Design II (HCD)

Design Process. Design evaluation. Design implementation

Objectives and Outcomes


Students can enroll for Live-in-Labs® II course only if they have successfully completed Live-in- Labs® I course by meeting all the criteria set by the Live-in-Labs® team.

Course Objectives

  1. Understand the principles of
    1. Advanced Human Centered Design
    2. Co-Design
    3. Social Change Management Models
    4. Project Management
    5. Prototyping
    6. Modelling
    7. Field Implementation.
  2. Learn the various tools, techniques and templates used in the mentioned concepts to implement a sustainable intervention in the villages.
  3. Creating awareness and training the villagers.

Course Outcomes

On the successful completion of the Course, the student will be able to –

CO1: Learn co-design methodologies and engage in a participatory manner to finalize a solution

CO2: Understand sustainable social change models and identify change agents in a community

CO3: Learn Project Management to effectively manage the resources

CO4: Lab scale implementation and validation

CO5: Prototype implementation of the solution

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3
CO5 1 3 3

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Marks
1. Proposed Implementation

Presentation Round 1

2. Proposal Submission + Review 6
3. Co-design 6
i. Village Visit I (Co-Design Field

Work Assignments)

ii. Presentation of Co-design


4. Prototype Design 14
i. Prototype Design 4
ii. Prototype Submission 8
iii.Sustenance Plan 2
5. Implementation 35
i. Implementation Plan Review 3
ii. Implementation 24
iii.Testing & Evaluation 4
iv. Sustenance Model Implementation 4
6. Research Paper 18
7. Final Report 15
8. Poster Presentation 4
Total 100
Attendance 5
Grand Total 105

Text Books / References


There are no required textbooks for this course; all articles, reports and research papers assigned as required reading will be shared with the students by Live-in-Labs® faculties.


  1. Ramesh, Maneesha Vinodini, Renjith Mohan, and Soumya Menon. “Live-in-Labs: Rapid translational research and implementation-based program for rural development in India.” In 2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), pp. 164-171. IEEE, 2016.
  2. Sipos, Yona, Bryce Battisti, and Kurt Grimm. “Achieving transformative sustainability learning: engaging head, hands and heart.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 9, no. 1 (2008): 68-86.
  3. Moldan, Bed?ich, Svatava Janoušková, and Tomáš Hák. “How to understand and measure environmental sustainability: Indicators and targets.” Ecological Indicators 17 (2012): 4-13.
  4. Lee, Yanki. “Design participation tactics: the challenges and new roles for designers in the co-design process.” Co-design 4, no. 1 (2008): 31-50.
  5. Mohan, Harish T., Krishna Nandanan, Renjith Mohan, Olamide Sadipe, Iona Williams, and Teja Potocnik. “Case Study on Co-Design Methodology for Improved Cook Stove Solutions for Rural Community in India.” In 2019 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)(47129), pp. 153-158. IEEE, 2019.
  6. Liam J. Bannon, Pelle Ehn. 06 Aug 2012, Design from: Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design Routledge
  7. Sustainable Development Strategies: A Resource Book. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris and United Nations Development Program, New York.
  8. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Project Management Institute
  9. Field Guide to Human-Centered Design. By 1st Edition © 2015. ISBN: 978-0-9914063-1-9

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