Course Name | Information Security |
Course Code | 23CSE332 |
Program | B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai |
Digital Signature and Authentication Schemes
Digital signature- Hash functions, properties of hash functions, digital Signature Schemes and their Variants, digital Signature Standards. Authentication – Overview, Requirements Protocols, Applications, Kerberos, X.509 Directory Services.
E-mail and IP Security
Email Architecture, PGP, Operational Descriptions, Key management, Trust Model, S/MIME. IP Security – Overview, Architecture, ESP, AH Protocols, IPSec Modes, Security association, Key management.
Web Security
Requirements- Secure Sockets Layer- Objectives-Layers -SSL secure communication-Protocols – Transport Level Security. Secure Electronic Transaction- Entities DS Verification-SET processing.
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand information security models and analyze authentication mechanisms for challenge response
CO2: Understand e-mail architecture and standards for securing mail communication.
CO3: Understand Internet Security Protocol and explore common solutions for security issues
CO4: Apply Web security protocols for E-Commerce applications
CO-PO Mapping
PO/PSO | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 | PO5 | PO6 | PO7 | PO8 | PO9 | PO10 | PO11 | PO12 | PSO1 | PSO2 |
CO | ||||||||||||||
CO1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | ||||||||
CO2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | ||||||||||
CO 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | ||||||||||
CO4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Evaluation Pattern: 70:30
Assessment | Internal | End Semester |
Midterm | 20 | |
*Continuous Assessment Theory (CAT) | 10 | |
*Continuous Assessment Lab (CAL) | 40 | |
**End Semester | 30 (50 Marks; 2 hours exam) |
* CAT – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, and Reports
* CAL – Can be Lab Assessments, Projects, and Reports
**End Semester can be theory examination/ lab-based examination/ project presentation
Stallings W. “Cryptography and network security: principles and practice”. Upper Saddle River: Pearson; 2018.
Stallings W. and Brown L. “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, Pearson; 2019.
Forouzan BA. “Cryptography & network security”. McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 2007 Feb 28.
Padmanabhan TR, Shyamala C K, and Harini N. “Cryptography and Security”, First Edition, Wiley India Publications; 2011.
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