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Course Detail

Course Name Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Course Code 23CSE401
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Semester 7
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit I

History and Foundations of AI, Introduction to AI and systems – search strategies, problem characteristics, system characteristics, Intelligent Agents – Agents and environments, nature of environments and structure of agents, Ethics in AI; Case study: Games and puzzles.

Unit II

Problem Solving by Search: Informed search – Heuristic, Hill climbing, Best first search, A*, AO*, Approaches in knowledge representation, Game Playing – minmax algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Swarm intelligence, cooperative learning – constrained and unconstrained problems; Case study – Example: Group of Drones.

Unit III

Knowledge representation – Game playing – Knowledge representation, Knowledge representation using Predicate logic, Introduction to predicate calculus, Resolution, Use of predicate calculus, Knowledge representation using other logic-Structured representation of knowledge. Knowledge inference – Production based system, Frame based system. Inference – Backward chaining, Forward chaining, Rule value approach, Fuzzy reasoning – Certainty factors, Bayesian Theory-Bayesian Network-Dempster – Shafer theory Case Study-Examples: Recommendation systems, Knowledge based systems in application areas of computer science, Decision support systems, prediction and warning systems.

Unit IV

Classical Planning: Algorithms for Planning, Planning Graphs, Hierarchical Planning, Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domain, Map building, Multi-Agent Planning; Case study – Examples: vacuum cleaner, washing machine.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

This course introduces the various fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence, such as:

  • To introduce classical AI, problem formulation and intelligent agents.
  • To introduce techniques for problem solving by search, knowledge-representation and reasoning.
  • To introduce game playing and algorithms associated with it.
  • To introduce planning, acting, and multi-agent systems.

Course Outcomes

CO1: Understand the foundations of AI systems, intelligent agents, problems solving strategies and Ethics in AI.

CO2: Apply elementary principles of AI like search and game playing for problem solving.

CO3: Analyse real world problems under uncertainty and solve them using knowledge representation and reasoning.

CO4: Understand planning and decision making in intelligent systems.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2
CO2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 2
CO3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern: 70:30

Assessment Internal End Semester
Midterm 20
*Continuous Assessment Theory (CAT) 10
*Continuous Assessment Lab (CAL) 40
**End Semester 30 (50 Marks; 2 hours exam)

*CAT – Can be Quizzes, Assignments, and Reports

*CAL – Can be Lab Assessments, Project, and Report

**End Semester can be theory examination/ lab-based examination

Text Books / References


Russell, Stuart, Jonathan, Norvig, Peter, Davis, Ernest. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”. United Kingdom: Pearson, 4th Edition, 2022

Deepak Khemani. “A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”. McGraw Hill Education (India), 2017.


Denis Rothman. “Artificial Intelligence by Example”, Packt, 2nd Edition, 2018.

Rich and Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”,3rd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2017.

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