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Course Detail

Course Name Exploring Science and Technology in Ancient India
Course Code 23CUL232
Program B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore,Bengaluru, Amaravati, Chennai


Unit 1
  1. General introduction: principles followed and sources;
  2. Astronomy & mathematics from the Neolithic to the Indus civilization;
  3. Astronomy & mathematics in Vedic literature;
  4. Vedanga Jyotisha and the first Indian calendars;
  5. Shulba Sutras and the foundations of Indian geometry;
Unit 2
  1. Astronomy & mathematics in Jain and Buddhist literature;
  2. The transition to the Siddhantic period; Aryabhata and his time;
  3. The Aryabhatiya: concepts, content, commentaries;
  4. Brahmagupta and his advances;
  5. Other great Siddhantic savants;
  6. Bhaskara II and his advances;
Unit 3
  1. The Kerala school of mathematics;
  2. The Kerala school of astronomy;
  3. Did Indian science die out?;
  4. Overview of recent Indian scientists, from Ramanujan onward;
  5. Conclusion: assessment and discussion;

Objectives and Outcomes



This course offers a journey of exploration through the early developments in India of astronomy, mathematics, technologies and perspectives of the physical world. With the help of many case studies, the students will be equipped to understand concepts as well as well as actual techniques.

Text Books / References


Indian Mathematics and Astronomy: Some Landmarks, by S. Balachandra Rao


IFIH’s interactive multimedia DVD on Science & Technology in Ancient India.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal End Semester
Periodical 1 (P1) 15
Periodical 2 (P2) 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

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