unit I
Overview and history of computer architecture, combinational vs sequential logic, hardware description languages (VHDL), physical constraints (gate delay, fan-in, fan-out, energy/power). Introduction to Instruction Set Architecture, Processor Architecture with example as ARM & Instruction Set, Single Cycle Datapath Design, Control Hardware, Computer Arithmetic, Floating Point Arithmetic, Design of ALU, Introduction and Performance of Computing system and role of performance.
Unit II
Introduction to multicycle at a path, Instruction level parallelism, instruction pipelining, Pipelining Technique – Design Issues, Hazards: Structural Hazards, Data Hazards and Control Hazards, Static Branch Prediction, Dynamic Branch Prediction, pipeline hazards and advanced concepts in pipelining.
Unit III
Storage systems, introduction to memory hierarchy: importance of temporal and spatial locality; main memory organization, cache memory: address mapping, block size, replacement, and store policies; virtual memory system: page table and TLB.
External storage; IO fundamentals: handshaking, buffering, programmed IO, interrupt driven IO; Interrupt handling mechanism, Buses: protocols, arbitration. Introduction to modern processors like GPU and TPU, Parallel Processing.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives
- This course aims to make students, understand, analyse, and appreciate the basic principles, design choices, and trade-offs associated in the field of Computer Architecture.
- It describes overview of ARM architecture in terms of instruction set, data path and pipelining
- It introduces pipelining and memory systems in detail along with performance metrics for designing computer systems and what can be done to make it better and faster.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the design principles of Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) by taking ARM as reference.
CO2: Understand the design of data and control path in Single Clock Cycle.
CO3: Understand the design of instruction execution using Multiple Clock Cycles and Analyze / Evaluate the performance of processors.
CO4: Understand Pipelined architecture and Design of multi-stage pipeline processor in ARM.
CO5: Apply the working principles of ALU, Memory and I/O in the design of processor.
CO-PO Mapping
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Evaluation Pattern
Evaluation Pattern: 50:50
Assessment |
Internal |
External |
Mid-semester |
20 |
*Continuous Assessment (CA) |
30 |
End Semester |
50 |
*CA includes Quizzes and Tutorials
Text Books / References
- L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson (H and P), “Computer Organization and Design, Hardware-Software Interface”, ARM Edition , Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., 2017.
- Hennessy and D. A. Patterson (H and P), “Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach”, Fifth or Sixth edition, J, Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., 2019.
- A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy (P and H), “Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface”, Fifth edition , Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., 2013.
J.P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, Mc Graw Hill 2017
William Stallings, “Computer Organization and architecture – Designing for performance”, 10th Edition, 2016, Pearson Education.