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Course Detail

Course Name Hydraulic Engineering
Course Code 23CIE213
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 4
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Impulse momentum principle – application – impact of jet – force exerted by a jet on normal, inclined and curved surfaces for stationary and moving cases – torque in rotating machines – jet propulsion.

Hydroelectric power: low, medium and high head plants – Power house components – Microhydel schemes. Turbines – classifications – construction and working of Pelton Wheel, Francis and axial flow reaction turbines – selection of turbines – draft tube.

Classification of pumps – Centrifugal pumps – types and working – characteristics. Reciprocating pumps – types and working – selection of pumps.

Unit 2

Open channel flow – Comparison with pipe flow, Types of channels – Classification of flow, uniform flow – Uniform flow using Chezy’s and Manning’s formulae – Most efficient channel section – Circular, Rectangular and Trapezoidal channel sections, open channel section for constant velocity at all depths of flow. Specific energy and critical depth, Specific force curve, critical flow computation.

Non-uniform flow, Gradually Varied Flow, Dynamic equation for gradually varied flow, Different forms of the dynamic equation, Flow profiles in prismatic channels, integration of the varied flow equation – Computation of the length of the backwater curve and afflux. Rapidly Varied Flow- Hydraulic Jump, Hydraulic jump equations for a rectangular channel – Practical applications.

Unit 3

Rivers – behaviour – Control and training. Design of stable channels in India – problem in India – Classification of irrigation canals, Canal alignment, Design procedure for an irrigation channel – Considerations for fixing longitudinal section of a channel – Cross sections of an irrigation channel, Maintenance of canals, Canals in alluvial soils, Silting in canals, Scour and protection against scour. Canal lining – losses in irrigation canals, Advantages and disadvantages of lining, Types of lining. Water logging – Causes and preventive measures. Design of lined canals – irrigation canals – Kennedy’s Theory- Lacey’s Theory.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

To explain the concepts of momentum principles and its applications in the working of pumps and turbines. To understand the open channel flow for different flow conditions and the hydraulic design of channels.

To understand the concepts of specific energy, critical flow and their applications To understand the various irrigation canal systems.

Course Outcome

CO1: Apply the linear momentum principle to evaluate the forces exerted by the jet on inclined, curved and stationary bodies.

CO2: Apply the principles of basic engineering to analyze and choose suitable hydraulic machinery.

CO3: Select most economical channel section and to analyze uniform flow.

CO4: Apply the principles of energy to analyze non-uniform flow conditions in open channel.

CO5: Understand the general aspects of irrigation canals and design the irrigation canal systems for field conditions

CO-PO Mapping































CO1 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 1 3
CO3 3 3 1 3
CO4 3 3 1 3
CO5 3 3 1 3

Text Books / References

Text Book(s)

Modi P.N. and Seth S.M., “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Fluid Machines”, Standard Book House, 2017.

Garg, S. K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2006.


Chow V.T., “Open Channel Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill, Inc.. 2009.

Rajput R K ,”Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, S Chand Publishers, 2016. N.N.Pillai, “Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines”, Universities Press, Third Edition, 2009. K.Subramanya, “Flow in Open Channels”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.

Hanif Chaudhry, “Open Channel Flow”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.

G. Rangaraju, “Flow Through Open Channels”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001. Jagdish Lal, “Hydraulic Machines including Fluidics”, Metropolitan Book Co, 2016.

P.N.Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources, and Water power Engineering”, Standard Publishers Distributors, 2014.

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