Text Book(s)
Venkat Reddy, D., “Engineering Geology”, Vikas Publishing House, 2010.
Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International Publishers, 2005.
Blyth F.G.H. and M. H. De Freitas, “Geology for Engineers”, 7th Edition, Elsevier Science, 2006.
Parbin Singh., “Engineering and General Geology”, S.K. Kataria and Sons, 2009.
Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, CL Engineering, 2013.
Purushothama Raj, “Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering”, Pearson, 2nd Edition.
T.W. Lambe and Whitman, “Soil Mechanics”, Wiley, 2008.
Dutta, M., and Gulhati S.K, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2005.
C. Punmia, Jain, A. K. & Jain, A. K., “Soil Mechanics & Foundations”, Firewell Media, 2005.