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Course Detail

Course Name Geotechnical Engineering
Course Code 23CIE301
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 5
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Soil Exploration: Need – Methods of soil exploration – Boring and Sampling methods – Field tests – Penetration Tests – Plate load test – Pressuremeter – Planning of programme and preparation of soil investigation report.

Liquefaction Analysis: Introduction to liquefaction of soil, Critical Void Ratio Concept, Liquefaction resistance, Evaluation of liquefaction potential.

Unit 2

Earth Slope Stability: Infinite and finite earth slopes-types of failures, Factor of safety of infinite slopes, Stability analysis by Swedish Arc method, Standard Method of Slices, Bishop’s Simplified method, Taylor’s Stability Number.

Earth Pressure Theories: Rankine’s theory of earth pressure, Earth pressure in layered soils, Coulomb’s earth pressure theory, Culmann’s graphical method, Friction Circle Method.

Toe Walls, Types of Retaining Walls & Modes of Failure-Rigid retaining walls, Flexible retaining walls and MSE retaining walls. IS Recommendation

Brief discussion on ground improvement methods: Soil Nailing, Gabion Walls, Sand Compaction Piles and Stone Columns.

Software Applications: 2-dimensional Finite Element Software: Description of the Software & methodology:

  • Determining Factor of safety for the slopes
Unit 3

Shallow Foundations: Types – choice of foundation – Location of depth – Safe Bearing Capacity – Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Skempton and IS Methods. Bearing Capacity calculations based on various Field Test and Settlement, Design of a footing in soil based on settlement and bearing capacity criteria, Analysis and design of raft based on settlement and bearing capacity criteria

Pile Foundation: Types of piles, Pile load tests, Load carrying capacity of piles based on Static pile formulae & Dynamic pile formulae, Load carrying capacity of pile groups in sands and clays, Settlement of pile groups, IS Recommendations. Basics of Laterally loaded piles & Under-reamed piles.

Well Foundations: Types – Components of well foundation – functions and design. Design Criteria – Sinking of wells – Tilts and shifts.

Software Applications: 2-dimensional Finite Element Software: Description of the Software & methodology:

  • Settlement and Bearing capacity analysis of shallow foundation

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

To familiarize various destructive and non-destructive methods of soil investigation.

Introduce the significance and application of slope stability and earth pressure theories.

To explain the estimation of safe bearing capacity and settlement consideration for various foundation systems.

To highlight the selection criteria and analysis of shallow foundation systems.

To explain the need and types of deep foundation systems and their analyses.

Course Outcome

CO1: Identify and suggest site investigation program to evaluate soil behaviour and obtain design parameters.

CO2: Analyze the stability of natural/man-made slopes.

CO3: Analyze the stability of retaining walls.

CO4: Estimate allowable bearing pressures and load carrying capacities of shallow foundation systems.

CO5: Estimate allowable bearing pressures and load carrying capacities of deep foundation systems.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 1 1 1 3
CO2 3 3 2 3 2
CO3 3 3 2 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 2
CO5 3 3 3 3

Text Books / References

Text Book(s)

Venkat Reddy, D., “Engineering Geology”, Vikas Publishing House, 2010.

Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International Publishers, 2005.


Blyth F.G.H. and M. H. De Freitas, “Geology for Engineers”, 7th Edition, Elsevier Science, 2006.

Parbin Singh., “Engineering and General Geology”, S.K. Kataria and Sons, 2009.

Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, CL Engineering, 2013.

Purushothama Raj, “Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering”, Pearson, 2nd Edition.

T.W. Lambe and Whitman, “Soil Mechanics”, Wiley, 2008.

Dutta, M., and Gulhati S.K, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2005.

C. Punmia, Jain, A. K. & Jain, A. K., “Soil Mechanics & Foundations”, Firewell Media, 2005.

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