Unit 1
Elementary concepts – properties – concept of gauge and absolute pressure, measurement of pressure using manometers of different types.
Hydrostatic force on solid surfaces – center of pressure – buoyancy and stability of submerged and floating bodies – metacentric height – period of oscillation.
Types of flow, definitions and explanations of unsteady, steady, non-uniform, laminar and turbulent flows, rotational and irrotational flows. Stream function, potential function. Path line, streak line and streamline – continuity equation – derivation, application of one dimensional steady flow – circulation and vorticity – Basic flow fields such as uniform flow, source, sink, doublet, vortex flow, spiral flow – superposed flows.
Unit 2
Derivation of Bernoulli’s energy equation and Euler’s equation, examples illustrating the use of energy equation. Flow meters – venturimeter, Orifice meter, nozzle, derivation of equations of discharge, pitot tubes – applications to flow measurements- notches and weirs.
Laminar flow through circular pipe – shear stress, pressure gradient, velocity profile, Hagen-poiseuille’s equation, power calculations, laminar flow between parallel plates – Couette flow and Poiseuille flow.
Flow in closed conduits – friction loss and flow calculations, turbulent flow, Reynolds number, Darcy-Weisbach equation. Use of Moody’s diagram, minor losses – pipe networks – pipes in parallel and series – equivalent length – pipe network analysis using EPANET.
Unit 3
Analysis – Rayleigh’s method – Buckingham Pi-theorem – Hydraulic Similitude – model analysis – dimensionless numbers – Model testing of partially submerged bodies – Distorted models and scale effects.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives
- To develop basic knowledge about properties of fluid and fluid flow.
- To explain the hydrostatic pressure, principle of buoyancy and stability of floating
- To explain the conservation principles of mass, momentum and energy equations in fluid flow along with their applications.
- Exposure on the methods to estimate the flow and losses in pipe network under various
- To explain the concepts of dimensional analysis and model testing
Course Outcome
CO1: Explain the behavior of fluids under various flow conditions
CO2: Analyze the hydrostatic forces, conditions of buoyancy and stability of various floating bodies.
CO3: Apply mass, momentum and energy equations in the measurement of fluid flow.
CO4: Solve pipe network problems by considering major and minor losses.
CO5: Calculate laminar flow characteristics through pipes and parallel plates.
CO6: Formulate dimensional analysis using various methods and apply the concept of similarities.
CO-PO Mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO |
CO1 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
CO2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
CO3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
CO4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
CO5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
CO6 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Text Books / References
Text Book(s)
Streeter Victor L and E. Benjamin Wylie, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
Modi P.N. and Seth S.M., “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Fluid Machines”, Standard Publishers & Distributors, 2015.
Cengel and Cimbala, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2017.
Som S K, Gautam Biswas and Suman Chakrabarty, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd, Third Edition.
N.N.Pillai, “Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, Universities Press, 2009.
Subramanya K., “Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, 1993.
- F. Douglas, J. M. Gasiorek and J. A. Swaffield., “Fluid Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2008. White, Frank.M., “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
- A. Rossman., “EPANET 2.0 Users Manual”, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000.