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Course Detail

Course Name Environmental Geotechnology
Course Code 23CIE343
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Environmental cycles- Soil and water- Environmental interaction relating to geotechnical problems- Effect of pollution on soil- water behaviour

Origin, nature and distribution of soil – Soil fabric and structure- Basic structural units of clay minerals- Isomorphous substitution- Kaolinite mineral- Montmorillonite mineral- Illite mineral- Electric charges on clay minerals- Ion exchange capacity- Diffused double layer- Adsorbed water- Soil structure- Methods for the identification of minerals (introduction only)

Effect of drying on Atterberg limits- Shrinkage, swelling and cracking characteristics of soil – Electrochemical characteristics of soil-water System – Sensitivity of soil to environment – Soil-water-air interaction – Activity, sensitivity, causes of sensitivity- Influence of exchangeable cations, pH and organic matter on properties of soils- Permeability of soils- Hydraulic conductivity of different types of soils- Darcy’ s law and its validity- Factors affecting permeability

Unit 2

Sources, types and composition of different wastes – Characteristics and classification of hazardous wastes- Generation rates- Potential problems in soils due to contaminants

Ground water flow – Sources of ground water contamination- Contaminant transport – Pollution of aquifers by mining and liquid wastes- Ground water pollution downstream of landfills – Transport mechanisms

CPCB rules and regulations on waste handling and management- Criteria for selection of sites for waste disposal- Disposal techniques-Disposal systems for typical wastes

Ground modification and waste modification techniques in waste management- Ground modification- Mechanical modification, hydraulic modification, chemical modification

Unit 3

Liners and covers for waste disposal- rigid and flexible liners- Leachate and gas collection system – Engineered landfills (including basal liner and cover liner systems)- components- design criteria

Hydrological design for ground water pollution control

Soil contamination and remediation technology for both ground and aquifers

Objectives and Outcomes

Prerequisite(s): 19CIE211 Geology and Soil Mechanics

Course Objectives

To explain the effects of pollution on soil and its impact on soil properties. Introduce to the mechanisms of groundwater contamination

Give an exposure to rules and regulations on waste handling and management Introduction to design of landfill and soil remediation methods.

Course Outcome

CO1: Understand the effect of pollution on the various properties of soil and analyze the problems posed by them.

CO2: Analyze the different types of wastes, their generation and effects

CO3: Understand the general principles of groundwater contamination management

CO4: Apply the knowledge of engineering judgement to analyze and design engineering landfill.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
CO3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
CO4 3 3 3 2 3 3 2

Text Books / References


Mitchell J. (2005), “Fundamentals of soil behaviour”, Third Edition, ISBN: 978-0-471- 46302-3, John Wiley and Sons.

Robert M. Koerner (1996), “Construction and Geotechnical methods in Foundation Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Co., ISBN: 0070664382, 9780070664388.

Abdel M.O. Mohamed and Hogan E. Antia (1998), “Developments in Geotechnical Engineering”, ISBN: 978-0- 444-89847-0, Elsevier.

Hari D. Sharma and Krishna R. Reddy (May 2004) “Geoenvironmental Engineering – Site Remediation, Waste Containment, Emerging waste management technologies”, ISBN: 978-0-471-21599-8, John Wiley and sons.

Daniel D.E. (1993), “Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal”, ISBN 978-0-412-35170-9, Chapman and Hall. Hsai Yang Fang and John Daniel (2013) “Introduction to Environmental Geotechnology”, CRC press, Second Edition ISBN-13: 9781439837306, Taylor and Francis.


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