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Course Detail

Course Name Engineering Physics Lab-B
Course Code 23PHY186
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 1
Credits 1
Campus Coimbatore


List of Experiments:

  1. Young’s modulus – non-uniform [CO 1]
  2. Rigidity modulus – moment of inertia of the disc and rigidity modulus of the wire using torsional [CO 1]
  3. Spectrometer- dispersive power of the material of [CO 2]
  4. Radius of curvature of given convex lens- Newton’s rings [CO 2]
  5. Laser- wavelength of diode laser and mean size of Lycopodium [CO 2]
  6. Band gap of a [CO 3].
  7. Solar cell – determining efficiency and fill [CO 3].
  8. Photoelectric effect – Planck’s constant and work function of the given [CO 4]
  9. Experiment to verify the quantum nature of hydrogen atom by measuring the wavelengths of spectral lines in Balmer [CO 4].

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective

  • To introduce experiments for testing the understanding of physics concepts in the areas of mechanics, optics, solid state and quantum mechanics and electricity and
  • To make the student to acquire practical skills in finding properties of mater, optical properties, electrical characteristics of semiconductor materials and quantum behavior of materials

Course Outcomes

CO1: Be able to perform experiment to study elastic properties of materials.

CO2: Be able to design, perform experiments on dispersion, interference and diffraction.

CO3: Be able to design; perform experiments to measure semiconducting properties.

CO4: Perform experiment to study atomic spectrum of H2 atom and quantum nature of light.

CO-PO Mapping

























CO1 3 1 1
CO2 3 1 1
CO3 3 1 1
CO4 3 1 1

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