Solid state
Crystalline and amorphous solids, isotropy and anisotropy, – Miller indices, space lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, the seven crystal systems and their Bravais lattices, X-ray diffraction – Bragg’s equation and experimental methods (powder method and rotating crystal technique), types of crystals – molecular, covalent, metallic and ionic crystals – close packing of spheres – hexagonal, cubic and body centred cubic packing, elements of symmetry in crystal systems, defects in crystals – stoichiometric, non-stoichiometric, extrinsic and intrinsic defects. Vesta – for visualization of crystal structures.
Electrochemical energy system
Faradays laws, origin of potential, electrochemical series, reference electrodes, Nernst equation, introduction to batteries – classification – primary, secondary and reserve (thermal) batteries. Characteristics – cell potential, current, capacity and storage density, energy efficiency. Construction, working and application of Leclanche cell-Duracell, Li-MnO2 cell, lead acid batteries. Ni-Cd battery, Lithium ion batteries. Fuel cell – construction and working of PEMFC.
Corrosion control and metal finishing
Introduction, causes and different types of corrosion and effects of corrosion, theories of corrosion – chemical corrosion, Pilling Bed-worth ratio, electrochemical corrosion and its mechanism, factors affecting corrosion – galvanic series. Corrosion control methods – cathodic protection, sacrificial anode, impressed current cathode. Surface coatings – galvanizing, tinning, electroplating of Ni and Cr, organic surface coatings – paints, constituents and functions. Anodising and electroplating of aluminium.