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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Steel Design
Course Code 23CIE332
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Introduction to beam-column – behavior – strength interaction – design of beam column – beam column subjected to combined forces – column bases – slab base – gusseted base -moment resistant base plate – Seismic Requirement for framed buildings – Design of members in braced frames – Design of members in un-braced frames – Introduction to Composite Construction – Shear Connectors – Composite beams – Introduction to fatigue behaviour of members.

Unit 2

Bolted and Welded plate girders – analysis and design using IS 800-2007- curtailment of flange plates – stiffeners –Web yielding, web crippling, bearing stiffeners. Introduction to hybrid girders – analysis and design of gantry girder – design of girder splice.

Unit 3

Analysis and design of Pre-engineered Building design of purlins and wall girts using Channel and Angle sections; cold formed steel purlin– Design of wind bracings. Screws and rivets in cold formed steel construction. Types of connections, Behaviour of local elements, Analysis, Design and Detailing. Cold Formed Steel Members: Effective width and Direct Strength Design methods.

Objectives and Outcomes

Prerequisite(s): 23CIE312 Basic Steel Design

Course Objectives

To understand the behavior and analysis of steel structures subjected to combined loads. To understand the design and detailing of steel structures according to the INDIAN STANDARD building code requirements and on par with current Industry practices.

Course Outcome

CO1: Design the eccentrically loaded compression members and their base plates.

CO2: Analyze and design the plate girder, gantry girder and its components

CO3: Evaluate, analyze and design the PEB and its components.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 3

Text Books / References

Text Book(s)

Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures limit states method”, Oxford University Press, 2016

Duggal, SK, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017

Wei-Wen Yu and Roger A .Laboube, Cold-Formed Steel Design, Fourth Edition, Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.


Ramchandra and Gehlot, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Scientific Publishers, 2015

Dayaratnam P, “Design of Steel Structures”, S Chand & Co., 2012

Aryaand Ajmani,“Design of Steel Structures”, Nem Chand Brothers, 2007

BIS codes (IS800-2007, IS875-1987-Parts I, II, IS875-2016-PartsIII, SP:6–Part 1 to 6)

Emil Smith and Robert Scanlan,“Wind Effects on Structures” Wiley-Interscience,1996.

Edwin Gaylord,“Design of Steel Structure”,TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2010.

Segui, WT “Design of Steel Structures”, Cengage Learning, 2007

Bhavikatti, S. S. “Design of Steel Structures (by Limit State Method as Per IS 800—2007)” IK International, 2010

G.W.Owens and P.R.Knowles,“Steel Designers’Manual”,JohnWiley&Sons,2012

Lin and Breslar, “Design of Steel Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, 1968.


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