Text Book(s)
Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures limit states method”, Oxford University Press, 2016
Duggal, SK, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017
Wei-Wen Yu and Roger A .Laboube, Cold-Formed Steel Design, Fourth Edition, Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Ramchandra and Gehlot, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures”, Scientific Publishers, 2015
Dayaratnam P, “Design of Steel Structures”, S Chand & Co., 2012
Aryaand Ajmani,“Design of Steel Structures”, Nem Chand Brothers, 2007
BIS codes (IS800-2007, IS875-1987-Parts I, II, IS875-2016-PartsIII, SP:6–Part 1 to 6)
Emil Smith and Robert Scanlan,“Wind Effects on Structures” Wiley-Interscience,1996.
Edwin Gaylord,“Design of Steel Structure”,TataMcGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2010.
Segui, WT “Design of Steel Structures”, Cengage Learning, 2007
Bhavikatti, S. S. “Design of Steel Structures (by Limit State Method as Per IS 800—2007)” IK International, 2010
G.W.Owens and P.R.Knowles,“Steel Designers’Manual”,JohnWiley&Sons,2012
Lin and Breslar, “Design of Steel Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, 1968.