Unit 1
Instrumental methods for analysis of contaminants in air, water and soil – colorimetry, Chromatography, spectroscopy, electrochemical probes
Indoor and outdoor air pollution – meteorology-influence of solar radiation and wind fields – lapse rate and stability conditions – characteristics of stack plumes – effective stack height.
Characteristics and health effects of various air pollutant particulates (PM2.5, PM10) and gaseous pollutants (CO, NOx, SOx, etc)- their behaviour in atmosphere – monitoring.
Photochemical reactions – secondary pollutants.
Control devices for Particulate and Gaseous pollutants – applications.
Unit 2
Advances in waste water treatment – Aerobic Suspended growth Process – Process for biological nitrogen removal
– design criteria – anoxic, aerobic process design – sequencing batch reactor (SBR) – process analysis – Process for biological phosphorus removal – design criteria.
Aerobic attached growth Process – Rotating biological contactor, Activated Biofilter – Fluidized bed bioreactor (FBBR) design criteria.
Anaerobic suspended and attached growth process – Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.
Unit 3
Tertiary treatment – emerging contaminants removal – disinfection of waste water- waste water recycling – Water reuse. Advances treatment units – Removal of organic and inorganic colloidal and suspended solids – Removal of dissolved organic constituents – Removal of dissolved inorganic constituents – Filtration – Membrane filtration
– Adsorption – Distillation processes
Objectives and Outcomes
Prerequisite(s): 19CIE302 Environmental Engineering I, 19CIE311 Environmental Engineering II
Course Objectives
To discuss the various air pollutants and their control strategies
To discuss the waste water treatment options for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus To discuss the waste water treatment options for removal of emerging contaminants
Course Outcome
CO1: Analyze the air pollutants and select the most appropriate technique for the treatment of air pollutants CO2: Analyze the waste water quality and design the treatment unit for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus CO3: Analyze the quality of water and design the treatment unit for removal of emerging contaminants
CO-PO Mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO |
CO1 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
CO2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
CO3 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Text Books / References
Text book(s)
Metcalf and Eddy, “Waste Water Engineering Treatment Disposal Reuse”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
Clarence, J. Velz, “Applied Stream Sanitation”, Krieger Pub Co., 1984.
C. S Rao, “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age Publications, 2006. Nevers, Noel De, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1999.