Textbooks / References
“Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, World Energy assessment, UNDP, NewYork 2000.
Thamas B Johanssson et al, “Renewable Energy Sources for fuel and electricity”, Earthscan Publishers, London, 1993.
J W Twidell and A D Weir, “Renewable Energy Resources”, ELBS, 1998.
N K Bansal, M Kleemann and M Mellis, “Renewable Energy Resources and conversion Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
G N Tiwari, M K Ghosal, “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources”, Narosa Publishing House.
Kastha D, Banerji S and Bhdra S N, “ Wind Electrical Systems”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1998.
Tony Burton, David Sharpe, Nick Jemkins and Ervin Bossanyi., “Wind Energy Hand Book”, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Chetan S. Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications”, Second Edition, PHI Publications, 2011.