Unit 1
Operating systems, structure, operating systems services, system calls. Process and Processor management: Process concepts, process scheduling and algorithms, threads, multithreading. CPU scheduling and scheduling algorithms.
Course Name | Operating Systems |
Course Code | 23AID213 |
Program | B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science |
Semester | 4 |
Credits | 4 |
Campus | Coimbatore , Amritapuri ,Faridabad , Bangaluru, Amaravati |
Operating systems, structure, operating systems services, system calls. Process and Processor management: Process concepts, process scheduling and algorithms, threads, multithreading. CPU scheduling and scheduling algorithms.
Process synchronization, critical sections, Deadlock: Shared resources, resource allocation and scheduling, resource graph models, deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention algorithms, mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, wait and signal procedures. Memory management: contiguous memory allocation, virtual memory, paging, page table structure, demand paging, page replacement policies, thrashing, segmentation.
Disk scheduling algorithms and policies, File management: file concept, types and structures, directory structure,Case study on Unix (about process management, Thread management and Kernel) and Mobile OS – iOS and Android – Architecture and SDK Framework, Media Layer, Services Layer, Core OS Layer, File System)?
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to
CO1 |
Illustrate the use of system calls to perform basic Operating System functionalities. |
CO2 |
Apply the algorithms for resource management |
CO3 |
Analyze the usage of Synchronization techniques.? |
CO4 |
Analyze memory management techniques.? |
CO-PO Mapping?
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
PO6 |
PO7 |
PO8 |
PO9 |
PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PSO1 |
PSO2 |
PSO3 |
CO |
CO1 |
2? |
3? |
2? |
2? |
1? |
-? |
-? |
-? |
2? |
2? |
-? |
1? |
1? |
2? |
1? |
CO2 |
2? |
3? |
3? |
2? |
1? |
-? |
-? |
-? |
2? |
2? |
-? |
2? |
1? |
2? |
1? |
CO3 |
2? |
2? |
3? |
2? |
1? |
-? |
-? |
-? |
2? |
2? |
-? |
2? |
1? |
2? |
1? |
CO4 |
2? |
2? |
3? |
1? |
1? |
-? |
-? |
-? |
2? |
2? |
-? |
2? |
1? |
2? |
1? |
Evaluation Pattern?
Assessment? |
Internal/External? |
Weightage(%)? |
Assignments (Minimum 3)? |
Internal? |
30? |
Quiz(Minimum 2)? |
Internal? |
20? |
Mid-Term Examination? |
Internal? |
20? |
Term project/End semester examination? |
External? |
30? |
Textbook?/ References?
Silberschatz and Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, 10th Edition, Wiley India, 2018.?
Tannenbaum A S, “Modern Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall India, 2003.?
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