Unit 1
Introduction to nanotechnology; Different types of nanomaterials; Nanostructures in Biological Systems – Nucleic Acid, Amino acids, proteins, Carbohydrates and lipids; Nanobiotechnology – learning from nature – DNA nanotechnology – self-assembled DNA nanotubes and their applications, Biological nanoparticles production – plants and microbial
Unit 2
Applications of nanomaterials to biology: Fluorescent biological labels – Bioimaging, Nanoparticles for biological assays; Nanoparticles in disease diagnosis – MRI, CT and optical contrast agents, Nanomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Unit 3
Biosensors – different types, Applications of molecular recognition elements in nanosensing of different analytes, Miniaturized devices in nanobiotechnology – types and applications, lab on a chip concept.
Text Books / References
(1) Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine: Methods, Devices and Application by Tuan Vo-Dinh .CRC press, 2007.
(2) Nanosystem characterization tools in the life sciences by Challa Kumar. WileyVCH, 2006.
(3) Challa Kumar(Ed) – Nanomaterials for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy, Wiley-VCH, 2006