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Course Detail

Course Name Foundations of Indian Heritage
Course Code 22ADM101
Program B. Sc. Honors (with Research) in Molecular Medicine
Semester 1
Credits 2
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Introduction to Indian Culture – Introduction to Amma’s life and Teachings – Symbols of Indian Culture.

Unit 2

Science and Technology in Ancient India – Education in Ancient India – Goals of Life – Purusharthas – Introduction to Vedanta and Bhagavad Gita.

Unit 3

Introduction to Yoga – Nature and Indian Culture – Values from Indian History – Life and work of Great Seers of India.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective

  • The course is designed as an introductory guide to the variegated dimensions of Indian cultural and intellectual heritage, to enable students to obtain a synoptic view of the grandiose achievements of India in diverse fields.
  • It will equip students with concrete knowledge of their country and the mind of its people and instill in them some of the great values of Indian culture

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Be introduced to the cultural ethos of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, and Amma’s life and vision of holistic education.

CO2: Understand the foundational concepts of Indian civilization like pururtha-s, law of karma and varrama.

CO3: Gain a positive appreciation of Indian culture, traditions, customs and practices.

CO4: Imbibe spirit of living in harmony with nature, and principles and practices of Yoga.

CO5: Get guidelines for healthy and happy living from the great spiritual masters

Evaluation Pattern

Components Weightage
Mid Term Exam (Internal) 30 marks
Quizzes and Assignments (Internal) 20 marks
End Semester Exam


50 marks

Text Books / References

  1. The Glory of India ( in-house publication )
  2. The Mother of Sweet Bliss, ( Amma’s Life & Teachings )

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