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Course Detail

Course Name English I
Course Code 24ENG105
Program B. Sc. Honors (with Research) in Molecular Medicine
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Adopting the platform of English for the expression of science. Understanding the English language for constructing meaningful sentences.  Basics of English, Writing structured sentences, Articulating for clear and efficient delivery of concepts. Includes a) Ability to speak and write clearly in English b) Ability to listen to and follow scientific viewpoints and engage with audience.  Develop strategies and skills to enhance their ability to read. Reading science related books and comprehension. Articulated presentation on books and scientific articles in layman’s language.  Writing exercise should contain sentence structure correctness, comprehending the concepts effectively. Developing capabilities to communicate science in layman’s language through  seminars.

Unit 2

Skill development: Critical Thinking: a) Ability to substantiate critical readings of scientific texts in order to persuade others. b) Ability to place scientific statements and themes in contexts and also evaluate them in terms of generic conventions. Problem Solving: a) Ability to closely observe the situation, and apply lateral thinking and analytical skills. Analytical Reasoning: a) Ability to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in scholarly texts spotting flaws in their arguments. b) Ability to use critics and theorists to create a framework and to substantiate one’s argument in one’s reading of scientific texts.

Evaluation Pattern

Internal Assessment – 50%
Periodical 1 Exam 20%
Periodical 2 Exam 20%
Continuous Assessment Assignment/Test/Quiz 10%
End Semester Examination- 50%
Theory Exam 50%
Total 100%


Text Books / References

1.H.G. Wells. A short History of the world. Penguin Classics. U.K 2006. ( A book recommended by Einstein ).

2. Walter Isaacson. Einstein: His Life and Universe, Published by Simon & Schuster 2007.

3. Alexander Graham Bell How to Improve the Race

4. Linus Pauling A Lifelong Quest for Peace Editor: Richard L. Gage 1990

5. Stephan Hawkings On the Shoulders of Giants by Running Press 2002Preamble

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