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Course Detail

Course Name Chemistry-1
Course Code 24CHY106
Semester 1
Credits 2
Campus Kochi



This course deals with the basic introduction to organic chemistry emphasizing its significance in biology and its integral nature with biochemistry, the chemistry of living organisms. Focusing primarily on the basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules, emphasis is on substitution, elimination, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and their related reactions, understanding of different reaction mechanism and methods used for organic compound preparation.

Unit 1

Physical Effects, Electronic Displacements: Inductive Effect, Electromeric Effect, Resonance and Hyperconjugation

Unit 2

Cleavage of Bonds: Homolysis and Heterolysis.Structure, shape and reactivity of organic molecules: Nucleophiles and electrophiles.

Unit 3

Reactive Intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions and free radicals. Strength of organic acids and bases: Comparative study with emphasis on factors affecting pK values.

Unit 4

Aromaticity: Benzenoids and Hückel’s rule. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Functional group approach for the following reactions ( preparations and reactions ) be studied in context to their structure.

Unit 5

Alkanes: Preparation: Catalytic hydrogenation, Wurtz reaction, Kolbe’s synthesis and, from Grignard reagent. Reactions: Free radical Substitution: Halogenation.

Unit 6

Alkenes: Preparation: Elimination reactions: Dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides ( Saytzeff’s rule) cis alkenes ( Partial catalytic hydrogenation ) and trans alkenes ( Birch reduction ). Reactions: cis-addition ( alk. KMnO4 ) and trans-addition ( bromine ), Addition of HX ( Markownikoff’s and anti-Markownikoff’s addition), Hydration, Ozonolysis, oxymercuration-demercuration, Hydroboration-oxidation

Unit 7

Alkynes: Preparation: Acetylene from CaC2 and conversion into higher alkynes; by dehalogenation of tetra halides and dehydrohalogenation of vicinal-dihalides.Reactions: Formation of metal acetylides, addition of bromine and alkaline KMnO4, ozonolysis and oxidation with hot alk. KMnO4.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Outcome

CO1 – To understand the basic concepts of organic reaction mechanism and its intermediates.

CO2 –  To learn the concepts of aromaticity, non-aromaticity and antiaromaticity.

CO3 – To learn the preparation and specific reactions of alkanes.

CO4 –  To learn the preparation and specific reactions of alkenes

CO5 –  To learn the preparation and specific reactions of alkenes

Program Outcome

PO1: Bioscience Knowledge

PO2: Problem Analysis

PO3: Design/Development of Solutions

PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex problems

PO5: Modern tools usage

PO6: Bioscientist and Society

PO7: Environment and Sustainability

PO8: Ethics

PO9: Individual & Team work

PO10: Communication

PO11: Project management & Finance

PO12: Lifelong learning

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 1 1 1
CO 2 2 3 1 1
CO 3 1 3 1 1
CO 4 1 3 1 1
CO 5 1 3 1 1

Program Specific Outcomes ( PSO )

PSO 1 – Chemical and physical basis of biology

PSO 2 – Computational science in biology and medicine

PSO 3 – Biochemical and physiological complexity in biology and medicine

PSO 4 – Molecular technology in biology and medicine

PSO 5 – Cell based approaches in diagnosis and therapy

PSO 6 – Microorganisms in medicine

PSO 7 – Nanoscale entities and its significance in medicine

PSO 8 – Tissue architecture engineering in medicine

PSO 9 – Compounds as drugs and its efficacy

PSO 10 – Bioinformatics and artificial intelligence in medicine

PSO 11 –Technology in personalizing medicine

PSO 12 – Protein structural complexity in medicine

PSO 13 – Projecting science and medicine to public

CO 1 1 1
CO 2 1 1
CO 3 1 1
CO 4 1 1
CO 5 1 1

Text Books / References

( 1 ) Graham Solomons, T.W., Fryhle, C.B. & Snyder, S.A. Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons ( 2014 )

( 2 ) Sykes, P. A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Orient Longman, NewDelhi ( 1988 )

( 3 ) Finar, I.L. Organic Chemistry ( Vol. I & II ), E.L.B.S; Morrison, R.T. & Boyd, R.N. Organic Chemistry, Pearson, 2010;

( 4 ) Bahl, A. &Bahl, B.S. Advanced Organic Chemistry, S. Chand, 2010.

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