Green house technology: Introduction, Types of greenhouses; plant response to greenhouse environment, Planning and design of greenhouses, Design criteria of greenhouse for cooling and heating purposes. Greenhouses equipment, materials of construction for traditional and low cost greenhouses. Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, typical applications, passive solar green house, hot air green house heating systems, greenhouse drying. Cost estimation and economic analysis.
Important Engineering properties such as physical, thermal and aero & hydrodynamic properties of cereals, pulses and oilseed, their application in PHT equipment design and operation. Drying and dehydration; moisture measurement, EMC, drying theory, various drying method, commercial grain dryer ( deep bed dryer, flat bed dryer, tray dryer, fluidized bed dryer, recirculatory dryer and solar dryer). Material handling equipment; conveyer and elevators, their principle, working and selection.