Soil as a natural body, pedological and edaphological concepts of soil; soil genesis: soil forming rocks and minerals; weathering, processes and factors of soil formation; soil profile, components of soil; soil physical properties: soil-texture, structure, density and porosity, soil colour, consistence and plasticity; elementary knowledge of soil taxonomy classification and soils of India; soil water retention, movement and availability; soil air, composition, gaseous exchange, problem and plant growth, soil temperature; source, amount and flow of heat in soil; effect on plant growth, soil reaction-pH, soil acidity and alkalinity, buffering, effect of pH on nutrient availability; soil colloids – inorganic and organic; silicate clays: constitution and properties; sources of charge; ion exchange, cation exchange capacity, base saturation; soil organic matter: composition, properties and its influence on soil properties; humic substances – nature and properties; soil organisms: macro and microorganisms, their beneficial and harmful effects; soil pollution – behavior of pesticides and inorganic contaminants, prevention and mitigation of soil pollution.