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Course Detail

Course Name Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication
Course Code 24AEX301
Program Agriculture Sciences
Semester 5
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Development, Characteristics of entrepreneurs; SWOT Analysis & achievement motivation, Government policy and programs and institutions for entrepreneurship development, Impact of economic reforms on Agribusiness/ Agrienterprises, Entrepreneurial Development Process, Business Leadership Skills,Developing organizational skill &#40 controlling, supervising, problem solving, monitoring & evaluation&#41, Developing Managerial skills, Business Leadership Skills &#40 Communication, direction and motivation Skills&#41, Problem solving skill, Supply chain management and Total quality management, Project Planning Formulation and report preparation, Financing of enterprise, Opportunities for agri-entrepreneurship and rural enterprise.


Assessing entrepreneurial traits, problem solving skills, managerial skills and achievement motivation, exercise in creativity, time audit through planning, monitoring and supervision, identification and selection of business idea, preparation of business plan and proposal writing, visit to entrepreneurship development institute and entrepreneurs.

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