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Course Detail

Course Name Comprehension and Communication Skills in English
Course Code 24ENG104
Semester 1
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



War Minus Shooting- The sporting Spirit. A Dilemma- A layman looks at science Raymond B. Fosdick. You and Your English – Spoken English and broken English G.B. Shaw. Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary- Antonym, Synonym, Homophones, Homonyms, often confused words. Exercises to help the students in the enrichment of vocabulary based on TOEFL and other competitive examinations. Functional grammar: Articles, Prepositions, Verb, Subject- Verb Agreement, Transformation, Synthesis, Direct and Indirect Narration. Written Skills: Paragraph writing, Precis writing, Report writing and Proposal writing. The Style: Importance of professional writing. Preparation of Curriculum Vitae and Job applications. Synopsis Writing. Interviews: kinds, Importance and process.


Listening Comprehension: Listening to short talks lectures, speeches ( scientific, commercial and general in nature). Oral Communication: Phonetics, stress and intonation, Conversation practice. Conversation: rate of speech, clarity of voice, speaking and Listening, politeness & Reading skills: reading dialogues, rapid reading, intensive reading, improving reading skills. Mock Interviews: testing initiative, team spirit, leadership, intellectual ability. Group Discussions.

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