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Introduction to Computers, Operating Systems, definition and types, Applications of MSOffice for document creation & Editing, Data presentation, interpretation and graph creation, statistical analysis, Mathematical expressions, Database, concepts and types, uses of DBMS in Agriculture, World Wide Web ( WWW): Concepts and components. Introduction to computer programming languages, concepts and standard input/output operations.
e-Agriculture, concepts and applications, Use of ICT in Agriculture. Computer Models for understanding plant processes. IT application for computation of water and nutrient requirement of crops, Computer-controlled devices ( automated systems) for Agri-input management, Smartphone Apps in Agriculture for farm advises, market price, postharvest management etc; Geospatial technology for generating valuable agri-information. Decision support systems, concepts, components and applications in Agriculture, Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systems etc for supporting Farm decisions. Preparation of contingent crop-planning using IT tools.