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Course Detail

Course Name Bioinstrumentation
Program M. Tech. in Biomedical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence
Semester 1
Credits 3

Learning Objectives

  • LO1: To understand the fundamental principles of electronics
  • LO2: To design, test and analyse biomedical circuits and signals

Course Outcomes

  • CO1: Apply knowledge of engineering and science to understand the principle of biomedical electronic circuits
  • CO2: Understand how to measure and fine-tune circuit performance to solve problems in the areas of biomedical signals

Course Contents

Basics of circuits and systems – Network theorems and laws – Diodes – transistors – amplifier circuits – filter circuits – Op-amps – Active filters – signal conditioning and processing circuits – peak detectors, rectifiers, comparators, timers, multivibrator.


  1. Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra Smith, 5th edition, 2004
  2. Electric Circuits, Nilsson, J.W. and Riedel, S.A., 9th edition, 2011

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