Course Name | Tamil I |
Course Code | 24TAM101 |
Program | BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) |
Semester | 1 |
Credits | 2 |
Campus | Mysuru |
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UNIT-1 History of Tamil Literature: First, Intermediate, Last sangam. Sangam Literature, Pattuppaattu. Ku?untogai, Pu?anaanuuru.
Literature of the Sangam Maruviya period – Silappathiagaram (vazhakkuraikaathai), Pati?e?kiizhKa?akkuNuulkal. Tirukku?aL (Marunthu)
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UNIT 2 Bhakti Literature – Introduction to PanniruThirumuraikal, Manikkavasagar (Thiruvasagam- Siva Puranam)
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UNIT-3 Contemporary Literature: Poetry – Bharathiar(kuyilp???u), Bharathidasan (tami?i?i?imai, i?pattami?) Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram.
Prose: G. DevaneyaBhavanar (TamizhumDhiravidamumsamamaa?), Paritim??kalaiñar (paranarkettaparisu), chirbi (valluvarvakukkuminbam)
Short Story: Azhagiya Periyavan – (VanammaaL)
Novel: Imaiyam (Peththavan)
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UNIT – 4tolk?ppiyam: Alphabet – pi?appiyal. Punctuation marks and Letter writing and essay writing.
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Course Objectives:
To teach Tamil for effective communication in different spheres of life: – cultural relations in society.
Course Outcomes:
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