Unit 1
Fundamental Concept of Marketing
Market- meaning, definition, features, classification of markets. Marketing- introduction, definition of marketing, evolution of marketing objectives of marketing, features, functions of marketing, marketing and selling, importance of marketing, modern marketing, features, Marketing management, task of marketing manager
Unit 2
Marketing Mix, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Marketing mix – meaning, definition, elements of marketing mix. Marketing environment- Strategies to deal with internal and external (Micro and Macro) marketing environment, the marketing process- marketing strategy. Segmentation-meaning, definition, nature, benefits, patterns of segmentation, methods of segmentation (bases). Targeting – meaning, strategies, nature, benefits. Positioning – meaning, benefits, and techniques of product positioning. Case study.
Unit 3
Marketing Research and Information System
Meaning, definition, objectives, benefits, scope, types, marketing research process, methods of data collection- observation, experimental, survey etc. Marketing information system-meaning, need for and importance of marketing information system, marketing information system and marketing research, marketing intelligence. Case study.
Unit 4
Product Management
Product: Meaning, definition, classification, product planning and development, product line, product mix, product standardization. product life cycle- strategies in different phases, stages in new product development, marketing myopia. Branding- an introduction to branding Case study.
Unit 5
Advertising and E-Marketing
Types of advertising, types of media in advertising – features – advantages – disadvantages, Structure of an advertising agency – small, medium, national, in-house. E-Marketing and E-commerce and M- commerce – introduction-. Nature, Importance, types, advantages, and disadvantages.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to provide fundamental marketing concepts to students with the help of lecture method, discussion, role play, case studies, and applications of basic marketing concepts in the real world.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
- CO1: Describe key marketing concepts, theories, and
- CO2: Compare market mix, segmentation, target, and positions of different
- CO3: Learn the methods for conducting marketing research and MIS
- CO4: Understand the process of new product development & management
- CO5: Learn the concepts of advertising and E-marketing
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Text Books / References
Text Books:
- Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary – Principles of Marketing – Pearson
- Kotler, Keller, Koshy, and Jha – Marketing Management – Pearson
- Cundiff, Edward W et al – Basic Marketing: Concepts, Decisions & Strategies – PHI,
- Stanton J. et al – Fundamentals of Marketing – McGraw Hill.
- Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary – Principles of Marketing – Pearson
- Evance & Berman – Marketing Management – Cengage Learning
- McDaniel, Lamb, Hair – Principles of Marketing – Cengage Learning
- Stanton J. et al – Fundamentals of Marketing – McGraw Hill
- Cundiff, Edward W et al – Basic Marketing: Concepts, Decisions and Strategies – PHI