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Course Detail

Course Name Management Information Systems
Course Code 24COM114
Program B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Decision making in MIS – Overviews of System, analysis & design system development life cycle. Concepts & model – requirement and recognition structured & unstructured decision. Information requirement for decision making strategies under different condition synonymous decision-making models foundation of information system.

Unit 2

System design & implementation – Overview of logical of input output & control process & interface design, database design, implementation of MIS projects. Data Base Management – Management corporate data, data resources, data independence, consistency, security & integrity data base models – helical rational advantages & disadvantages of DBMS

Unit 3

Data Communication EDI electronic Data interchange. Net working concepts, LAN, WAN Components of LAN, WAN Network topologies difference between internet, intranet, Extranet. Introduction of E. Com – Introduction, concept, recent trends, business reengineering process, electronic funds transfer legal security issues of e-commerce.

Unit 4

Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise systems, Supply chain management (SCM) systems, Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, Enterprise application. E-commerce: Digital Markets Digital Goods: E-commerce and the internet, E-commerce- business and technology, mobile digital platform and mobile E-commerce, Building and E-commerce web site. A Case study on ERP.

Unit 5

Managing Knowledge: The knowledge management landscape, Enterprise-wide knowledge management system, Knowledge work systems, Intelligent techniques. Enhancing Decision Making: Decision making and information systems, Business intelligence in the enterprise. Business intelligence constituencies. Building Information Systems: Systems as planned organizational change, Overview of systems development.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

This course covers theory & practical criteria on Information Systems, integration of business strategies with information technology solutions, business processes and topics related to emerging information technologies. The course will provide resources for students to implement information systems in different companies using the fundamentals of management information systems and aligning information systems with the objectives and processes of the organization.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able:

  • CO1: To understand the basic principles and working of information
  • CO2: Describe the role of information technology and information systems in
  • CO3: To contrast and compare how internet and other information technologies support business
  • CO4: To give an overall perspective of the importance of application of internet technologies in business
  • CO5: Identify the various components of the knowledge management
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CO3 1 1 3 2 2
CO4 1 1 2 2 1
CO5 1 1 1 1 1 1

Text Books / References

Text Books:

  • Jawadekar – Management Information Systems – McGraw Hill
  • Davis & Olsan – MIS conceptual foundations – McGraw
  • References:
  • Kenneth Laudon, Jane P. Laudon – Management Information System: Managing the Digital Firm

– Pearson Education.

  • James O’ Brien, George M. Marakas – Management Information Systems – McGraw Hill.

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