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Course Detail

Course Name Life Skills III
Course Code 23LSK301
Semester 5
Credits 2


Soft Skills

Team Work: Value of teamwork in organizations, Definition of a team. Why team? Effective team building. Parameters for a good team, roles, empowerment and need for transparent communication, Factors affecting team effectiveness, Personal characteristics of members and its influence on team. Project Management Skills, Collaboration skills.

Leadership: Initiating and managing change, Internal problem solving, Evaluation and co-ordination, Growth and productivity, Importance of Professional Networking.

Facing an interview: Importance of verbal & aptitude competencies, strong foundation in core competencies, industry orientation / knowledge about the organization, resume writing (including cover letter, digital profile and video resume), being professional. Importance of good communication skills, etiquette to be maintained during an interview, appropriate grooming and mannerism.



Geometry: 2D, 3D, Coordinate Geometry, and Heights & Distance.


Permutations & Combinations: Basics, Fundamental Counting Principle, Circular Arrangements, and Derangements.


Probability: Basics, Addition & Multiplication Theorems, Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem.


Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variance, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation.


Data Interpretation: Tables, Bar Diagrams, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Caselets, Mixed Varieties, and other forms of data representation.


Data Sufficiency: Introduction, 5 Options Data Sufficiency and 4 Options Data Sufficiency.


Campus recruitment papers: Discussion of previous year question papers of all major recruiters of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


Miscellaneous: Interview Puzzles, Calculation Techniques and Time Management Strategies.


Verbal Skills

Vocabulary: Create an awareness of using refined language through idioms and phrasal verbs.


Grammar (Advanced Level): Enable students to improve sentences through a clear understanding of the rules of grammar.


Reasoning Skills: Facilitate the student to tap his reasoning skills through Syllogisms, and critical reasoning arguments.


Reading Comprehension (Advanced): Enlighten students on the different strategies involved in tackling reading comprehension questions.


Public Speaking Skills: Empower students to overcome glossophobia and speak effectively and confidently before an audience.


Writing Skills: Practice closet tests that assess basic knowledge and skills in usage and mechanics of writing such as punctuation, basic grammar and usage, sentence structure and rhetorical skills such as writing strategy, organization, and style. Practice formal written communication through writing emails especially composing job application emails.


Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisite: Team Spirit, self-confidence and required knowledge, basic English language skills, knowledge of high school level mathematics.


Course Objective: To help students understand the nuances of leadership, know the importance of working in teams, face challenging situations, crack interviews, improve communication skills and problem-solving skills.


Course Outcomes

CO1: Soft Skills – To acquire the ability to work in teams, present themselves confidently and showcase their knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, practical exposure, strengths and achievements to potential recruiters through a resume, video resume, and personal interview.

CO2: Soft Skills – To have better ability to prepare for facing interviews, analyse interview questions, articulate correct responses and respond appropriately to convince the interviewer of one’s right candidature through displaying etiquette, positive attitude and courteous communication.

CO3: Aptitude – To manage time while arriving at appropriate strategies to solve questions in geometry, statistics, probability and combinatorics.

CO4: Aptitude – To analyze, understand and apply suitable methods to solve questions on data analysis and data sufficiency.

CO5: Verbal – To use diction that is less verbose and more refined and to use prior knowledge of grammar to correct/improve sentences.

CO6: Verbal – To understand arguments, analyze arguments and use inductive/deductive reasoning to arrive at conclusions. To be able to generate ideas, structure them logically and express them in a style that is comprehensible to the audience/recipient.

Skills: Communication, teamwork, leadership, facing interviews and problem-solving.


CO-PO Mapping

PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 3 3 3
CO2 2 3 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3
CO5 3 3
CO6 3 3 3

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern 

Assessment  Internal External
Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Soft Skills 30
Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Aptitude 10 25
Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Verbal 10 25
Total 50 50

*CA – Can be presentations, speaking activities and test

Text Books / References


  1. J., (1.986), “Effective Team Building: How to make a winning team”, London, U.K: Pan Books.
  2. S., (2006) “Corporate Soft Skills”, New Delhi, India: Rupa & Co.
  3. The Hard Truth about Soft Skills, by Amazone Publication.
  4. Verbal Skills Activity Book, CIR, AVVP
  5. Nova’s GRE Prep Course, Jeff Kolby, Scott Thornburg & Kathleen Pierce
  6. The BBC and British Council online resources
  7. Owl Purdue University online teaching resources
  8. online teaching resources
  9. online teaching resources and other useful websites
  10. Student Workbook: Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning, Corporate & Industry Relations, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  11. Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations, Abhijit Guha.
  12. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT, Arun Sharma.
  13. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT, Arun Sharma.
  14. How  to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT, Arun Sharma.
  15. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, R S Aggarwal.
  16. A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning, R S Aggarwal.
  17. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning, R S Aggarwal.

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