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Course Detail

Course Name Leadership Management
Course Code 24BUS402
Program B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 7
Credits 4
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Foundations of Leadership and Managerial Roles

Leadership – Definition – Concept – Characteristics of Leadership – Factors governing good leadership – Leadership Approaches – Foundations of leadership Economic foundations, psychological foundations and Sociological foundations. Developing Leadership Vision – Leadership in Managerial roles, Activities, Functions Styles – Skills and Managerial effectiveness – Types of Leadership styles – Theories of Leadership -Leadership and Creativity – Leadership and Motivation – Attributes of a Good Leader

Unit 2

Leadership in Organizational Context

Charismatic Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Agile Leadership, Inclusive Leadership – Authentic Leadership – Trust and Ethics in leadership – Contemporary leadership roles – Mentoring, Self-leadership, Effective Leadership Communication – Online leadership; Finding and creating effective leaders.

Unit 3

Leadership and Power Dynamics

Leadership and Power – Power – definition – The distinction between power, authority and influence, The classifications of power, Contingency approaches to power, Political implications of power, Leadership vs Power – Bases of power – Tactics – Organizational Politics. Conflict Management – Sources of conflict inorganization – Prevention of Conflicts, Leadership in the Gig Economy.

Unit 4

Leadership and Organizational Dynamics

Organizational Structure – Organizational designs – organizational development – Employee’s behaviour –Global implications – Organizational culture – Global Leadership Challenges – Types – Ethics in organizational culture, Digital Transformation in Organizations

Unit 5

Case Studies in Leadership

Case studies on recent leaders who have made a significant impact on their organizations or industries. This could include leaders who have successfully navigated challenges such as the COVID- 19 pandemic, digital disruption, or organizational transformation. Leadership in Crisis: Examine case studies of leaders who demonstrated effective crisis management skills. Innovation Leadership: Explore case studies of leaders who have fostered a culture of innovation within their organizations. Ethical Leadership: Highlight case studies of leaders who have exemplified ethical leadership principles.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives
  • To enable the students to understand the dynamics involved in effective decision-making.
  • To familiarize the student with the managerial roles/functions/styles, the importance of effective interpersonal communication, and the group dynamics at work
  • To enable the student to understand the importance of power and politics, to minimize and manage conflict, and to participate in and achieve organizational
Course Outcomes

The student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the foundations of leadership and develop the skills necessary for effective managerial roles, incorporating economic, psychological, and sociological principles.

CO2: Comprehend diverse leadership styles, from charismatic to authentic, and cultivate effective communication skills for contemporary organizational leadership.

CO3: Analyze power dynamics, conflict management, and the challenges of leadership in the gig economy, while differentiating leadership from power.

CO4: Explore organizational structures, employee behavior, and global leadership challenges, emphasizing the role of leadership in navigating digital transformations.

CO5: Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios by critically analyzing case studies of leaders who have successfully faced challenges like crisis, innovation, and ethical dilemmas, enhancing decision-making skills and understanding the impact of effective leadership on organizational success.

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Text Books / References

  • Udai Pareek – Understanding Organisational Behaviour – Oxford University
  • Robbins and Judge – Organisational Behaviour – Prentice Hall
  • John W Newstrom – Organisational Behaviour: Human Behaviour at work – McGraw Hill
  • Uma Sekaran – Organisational Behaviour – McGraw

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